A Tea for a Dream

Dóci Papiaçám di Macau Drama Group

7,8/5|Saturday, Sunday|7:30pm     Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium     Tickets: MOP 250, 180, 120

Director: Miguel de Senna Fernandes

The wonderful world we have been dreaming of has slipped away forever, due to the transition, change and development of modern society. What if this is a story about the past Macao that no longer exists, how will we face and deal with the unforeseeable future?

Humour and sarcasm are the major features of Patuá Theatre. Every year, local Macanese actors stage an original play for the Macao Arts Festival, featuring an amusing plot and rich local atmosphere; their play integrates current social events and love of humanity, reflecting life aspects in Macao. Patuá Theatre not only prompts laughter but also provides food for thoughts.

Inscribed on the List of Macao SAR Intangible Cultural Heritage, Patuá theatre is performed in creole language derived from ancient Portuguese with the influence of Malay, Spanish, the language of Goa and English in terms of vocabulary and grammar. Generally, it is believed that this creole emerged in the 17th century. From the 19th century, Cantonese had also posed a significant influence on Patuá, showing Macao is a platform for diverse cultural exchange.

Performed in Patuá, with surtitles in Chinese, Portuguese and English
Duration: approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes, including one internal