Selected Bibliography



AHM: Arquivo Histórico de Macau, Macau (Historical Archive of Macao, Macao).

ARSI: Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, Roma (Jesuitic Roman Archives, Rome).

ASR: Archivio di Stato di Roma, Roma (National Archive of Rome, Rome).

BSGL: Biblioteca da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, Lisboa (Library of the Geography Society of Lisbon, Lisbon).

LCMSS: Library of Congress Manuscript Section, Washington, D. C.



·Cod. AH/LS/529.

·Cod. AH/LS/530.


·MS. 493 — RUGGIERI, Michele, Atlante della Cina.

ARSI: Jap.-Sin. [hereafter: Iap. Sin. — ("Sinica Iaponica")]

ARSI: lap. Sin.,

·MS. 101, II, fols.296ro-298.


Secção de Desenhos (Drawings Section),

·Est. [Bookshelf] 9, Mç. [Pile] 2. Doc. 15 — Diário do macaense Francisco António Pereira da Silveira (1841-1872) — Espólio de [Estate of] João Feliciano Marques Pereira.


Low Mills Family Papers:

·Boxes 22-23 — HUMMEL, Arthur W., The journal of Harriet Low

·Boxes 13-14 — LOW, Harriet, Diary.

·Boxes 2 and 11 — LOW, Harriet, Letters.


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· Arquivos de Macau, Macau, Imprensa Nacional, 1929, ser. 1 — For a full transcription of the codices see: MANUSCRIPT SOURCES / AHM: AH/LS/529 and AH/LS/530.

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·BLOOM, Irene, Human Nature and Biological Nature in Mencius, in "Philosophy East and West", (47) 1997, pp. 21-32.

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·BOXER, Charles Ralph, The Embassy of Captain Gonçalo Siqueira de Souza to Japan in 1644 with a foreword by D. Jose da Costa Nunes, Bishop of Macau, Macau, Tipografia Mercantil, 1938.

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·BUDAY, George, The History of the Christmas Card, London, Spring Books, 1964.

· Bude yibian 《不得巳辨》 (Rebuttal).

·BUGARD, Pierre, Essai de Psychologie Chinoise, 1'Harmattan, Paris, 1992.

·CAMPANINO, Vittorio, transcript. — See: RUGGIERI, Michele, CAMPANINO, Vittorio, transcript., Trascrizioni delle tavole descrittive di Michele Ruggieri, [etc.].

·CARACI, C., La carta della Cina dell'Ortelio ed il suo autore, in "Bolletino della Società Geografica Italiana", Roma, 1935, pp. 671-673.

·CARLETTI, S. M. — See: SCARPARI, Maurizio, Gaozi, Xunzi e i capitoli 6A1-5 del Mengzi, [...].

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·CHAVANNES, E., De l 'Expression des V~$oeux dans l'Art Populaire Chinoise, Paris, 1992.

·CHAVES, Jonathan, Singing the Source: Nature and God in the Poetry of the Chinese Painter Wu Li, Honolulu, SHAPS Library of Translations -University of Hawaii Press, 1993.

·CHEN Gongyin 陈恭尹, Dulutang ji 《独漉堂集》 (Recollections of the Dulu Pavillion), Guangzhou 广州, Zhongshan Daxue 中山大学 Zhangshan University, 1988, p. 547ff.

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·CHEN Zhichao 陈智超, ed., Chen Yuan sanglai shuxinji 《陈恒来往书信集》 (Correspondence of Chen Yuan), Shanghai 上海, Shanghai guji 上海古籍 Shanghai Classic Publishers, 1990.

·CHEN Zhiping 陈支平 — See: YANG Guozhen 杨国祯 - CHEN Zhiping 陈支平, FU Yiling 傅依凌, ed., Mingshi xinbian 《明史新编》 [...].

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· Ci Hai 《辞海》, (Encyclopaedic Dictionary), Shanghai 上海, 1980.

·CONFUCIUS — See: KONGZI 孔子, Lunyu 《论语》 (Anaclets).

·CORONELLI, V. M., Corso geografico universale, Venezia, 1692.

·D'ARELLI F., P Matteo Ricci, S. J. le 'coses absurdi' dell'astronomia cinese. Genesi, eredità ed influsso di un convincimento tra i secoli XVI-XVII, in IANNACCONE, I. - TAMBURELLO, A., eds., "Dall'Europa alla Cina: Contributi per una storia dell'astronomia", Napoli, Università degli Studi Federico II - Istituto Universitario Orientale, 1990, pp. 89-90.

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·DUBS, Homer H., Mencius and Sündz on Human Nature, in "Philosophy East and West", (6) 1956, pp. 213-222.

·DUBY, Georges - PERROT, Michelle, eds., Emerging feminism from revolution to World War, Cambridge/Massachusetts - London/UK, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1995.

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