

Fausto Sampaio. The painter standing on the lower terrace of the Bela Vista Hotel, in Macao. Photograph taken in 1936.

Born in Anadia, district of Aveiro, Portugal, in 1893. Deaf and dumb at birth. Studied at the Parisian Académies Julien, Renard and La Chaumiére. IN 1930, exhibited in Lisbon for the first time, with consiberable success. Fascinated by exotic landscapes. Became painter par excellence of Portuguese overseas Territories. In 1934 travelled to S. Tomé; 1936 to Macao, Timor, Hong-Kong, Singapore, the Philippines and Cochin-China; 1944 to the Portuguese State of India; 1947 to Cape Verde, Angola and Mozambique. Died in 1956.

The following paintings constitute the Macanese section of a much wider selection of paintings by the author, illustrated in Fausto Sampaio. Centenário do Nascimento [Exhibition Catalogue], Anadia, Câmara Municipal da Anadia, 1993. All pintings are in Portuguese private Collections.

Entrance to the À-Má Temple. FAUSTO SAMPAIO (°1893-†1956). 1936. Oil on canvas. 46.0 cm x 64.0 cm.
Moon Gate in the À-Má Temple. FAUSTO SAMPAIO (°1893-†1956). 1936. Oil on canvas. 46.0 cm × 60.0 cm.
Inside the À-Má Temple. FAUSTO SAMPAIO (°1893-†1956). 1937. Oil on canvas. 46.0 cm × 60.5 cm.
Buddhist Master. FAUSTO SAMPAIO(°1893-†1956). 1936. Oil on cahoots. 100.0 cm × 81.0 cm.


FAUSTO SAMPAIO (°1893-†1956).

1937. Oil on canvas. 55.0 cm × 46.0 cm.

Opium Den.

FAUSTO SAMPAIO (°1893-†1956).

1937. Oil on canvas. 81.0 cm × 101.0 cm.

Ruins of St. Paul's Cathedral. [sic]

FAUSTO SAMPAIO (°1893-†1956).

1937. Oil on canvas. 46.0 cm × 61.0 cm.

Columns and Garden.

FAUSTO SAMPAIO (°1893-†1956).

1937. Oil on board. 27.0 cm × 35.5 cm.


FAUSTO SAMPAIO (°1893-†1956).

1936. Oil on canvas. 74.0 cm × 60.0 cm.

Tanca boat-women.

FAUSTO SAMPAIO (°1893-†1956).

1937. Oil on canvas. 100.0 cm × 82.0 cm.

Lorchas and Tancas.

FAUSTO SAMPAIO (°1893-†1956).

1937. Oil on canvas. 46.0 cm × 60.0 cm.

The Inner Harbour in the rain.

FAUSTO SAMPAIO (°1893-†1956).

1936. Oil on canvas. 50.0 cm × 65.0 cm.

Ru 5 de Outubro (Fifth of October Street)

FAUSTO SAMPAIO (°1893-†1956).

1936. Oil on canvas. 60.0 cm × 46.5 cm.

Old street in the Chinese City

FAUSTO SAMPAIO (°1893-†1956).

1936. Oil on canvas. 46.0 cm × 56.0 cm

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