

Fernanda de Camargo-Moro

The ambit of activities prescribed by the Route of Spices Project [RSP] includes the survey of documentation on certain regions and Countries to be found elsewhere in the World. In Brazil, RSP initiated research on such Worldwide connections surveying documentation related to Portuguese speaking places in Asia and America and, within these regions and countries, priority was given to Goa and Macao.

RSP feels that the meaning of documentation should be taken in its broadest sense, not only including written material but also objects and specimens which might assist the historical reconstruction of past events and environments.

The following listings reveal the very first steps towards a comprehensive data Collection on Macao based on written documents mainly stored in some institutions in Rio de Janeiro.

By sharing with other scholars and the public in general what has been found so far in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo we aim to support, from the very start, further research on the surveyed material as well as enable an exchange of information on all matters related to such material.


ANRJ: Arquivo Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (National Archive of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro).

BMSP: Biblioteca Municipal de Sao Paulo, São Paulo (São Paulo Municipal Library, São Paulo).

BNRJ: Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (National Library of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro).

BSGL: Biblioteca da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, Lisboa (Library of the Geography Society of Lisbon, Lisbon).

IHGB: Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, Rio de Janeiro (Historical and Geographical Institute of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro).


1745 -IHGB: ALORNA, Marquis of, Carta do Marquês de Alorna a El Rey de Portugal (Letter of the Marquis of Alorna to the King of Portugal), Goa, 1745, lata [tin box]73, doc. 16,11.22 - copy. 1

1783 - IHGB: Instrucção do Vice-Rei da India sobre o porto e a cidade de Macao (Instruction of the Viceroy of the [Portuguese] State of India about the port and the City of Macao), [Royal] Palace of Our Lady of Ajuda, lata [tin box] 37, doc. 4,ll.43 -- copy. 2

1783 - IHGB: CASTRO, Martinho de Melo e, Providências necessárias a Macau (Measures necessary to [the City of] Macao), [Royal] Palace of Our Lady of Ajuda, 4th of April 1783, lata [tin box] 106, doc. 7, ll. 15-copy.

1796-1800 - IHBG: Pequenas memórias sobre motivos políticos e administrativos (Short memoirs on political and administrative matters), 1796-1800, lata [tin box] 105, doc. 9, ll. 43 - copy3

1809-1829 - IHGB: Missões no Império da China (Missions in the Empire of China), lata [tin box] 85, doc. 1, 11. 79 - originals and copies. 4

1819-1820 - IHGB: SILVEIRA, Miguel de Arriaga Brum da, [3] Cartas de Miguel de Arriaga Brum da Silveira sobre o comércio do anfião [ópio] ([3] Letters of Miguel Arriaga Brum da Silveira about the commerce of opium), Macao, 1819-1820, lata [tin box] 188, doc. 44, ll. 10 - originals.

1822 - IHGB: FREITAS, José Aquino de Guimarães e, Petição do Coronel José de Aquino Guimarães e Freitas, Com [andan]te. da tropa de Macao, requerendo a comenda da Ordem de Cristo e uma pensão (Petition made by the Coronel José Aquino de Guimarães e Freitas, troop Com [mand]er of Macao, requesting the distinction of the Order of Christ and a pension), 1822, lata [tin box] 74, pasta [folder] 4,11.44 - originals and copies. 5

1823 - IHGB: Cartas e documentos sobre a fragata "Salamandra" no porto de Macau em 1823 (Letters and documents about the frigate "Salamandra" in the harbour of Macao in 1823), lata [tin box] 93, doc. 2, ll. 5 - copy.

1824-1839 - IHGB: Cartas de diversas pessoas escritas de Macau a Manoel José Maria da Costa e Sá (Letters writen by several persons and sent from Macao to Manoel José Maria da Costa e Sá), Macao, lata [tin box] 93, doc. 10, 11.77 - originals. 6

1825 - IHGB: Duas petições diridas a Macau, China, ao Rei de Portugal (Two Petitions made from Macao, China, to the King of Portugal), Macao, 1825, lata [tin box] 75, doc. 2, 11.51 - originals and copies. 7

1829 - IHBG: Ofício do ouvidor geral de Macao sobre o comércio do ópio com vários documentos (Bill of the High Magistrate of Macao about the opium trade, plus a number of documents), 1829, lata [tin box] 74, pasta [folder] 2, 11.87. 8

1846 - IHGB: DRUMMOND, António Meneses de Vasconcelos, Apontamentos sobre a China em rascunhos (Sketchy notes about China), Lisbon, 20th of October 1846, lata [tin box] 2, doc. 7, ll. 14. 9

[n. d.] - IHGB: Papéis vários relativos a Goa e Macau (Assorted papers related to Goa and Macao), lata [tin box] 74, pasta [folder] 2, ll. 87 - originals. 10

[n. d.] - IHGB: Notas Hidrográficas sobre a navegação do Mar da China, para servir de continuação ao Roteiro Portuguez (Hydrographical notes on the navigation of the China Sea to serve as an addenda to the Roteiro Portuguez), lata [tin box] 29,11.22 - original and copies. 11

[n. d.] - IHGB: ALBUQUERQUE, Diogo Vieira de Tovar e, Apontamento e notícias para instrução que se deve formar em Goa ao Bispo de Pekim sobre os negócios relativos ao domínio de Macau (Note and news on the instructions which should be issued in Goa to the Bishop of Beijing regarding matters concerning the Dominion of Macao), lata [tin box] 35, pasta [folder] 5,11.10 - copy.

[n. d.] - IHGB: Ofícios relativos à nomeação de examinador de pilotagem na Real Escola de Pilotos de Macau (Bills concerning the apointment for the position of pilots examinator in the Royal School of Pilots of Macao), lata [tin box] 88, doc.1, 11.39 - copy.

[n. d.] -IHGB: Colecção José Bonifácio (José Bonifácio Collection), Apontamentos sobre as conquistas e comércio da Ásia e várias coisas de Portugal e Brasil (Notes on the conquests and commerce of Asia, and other issues concerning Portugal and Brazil), lata [tin box] 191, doc. 59, ms. 4917 - original.



1809-1829 - IHGB: Missões no Império da China (Missions in the Empire of China), lata [tin box] 85, doc. 1, ll. 79 - originals and copies.

This document contains twenty-three items. Follows a succint report on the items presently under study:

2.1.1. Letters about the Dioceses of Asia, but mainly about the affairs concerning religious people in Cranganor, Solor and Timor. Written in Goa, for the Viscount of Anadia.

Dated: [Goa], 15th of April 1809.

Signed: the Prime Archbishop of the Orient.

2.1.2. General plan of all the Missions in the Orient. Annotated.

Dated: Macao, 13th of September 1913.

Signed: Francisco, Bishop of Macao.

2.1.3. Letter about the missionaries of the Propaganda Fide.

Dated: 12th of July 1810.

Signed: the Earl of Galveias, Miguel de Arriaga Brum da Silveira.

2.1.4. Letter concerning the hardships that the European religious had to endure in China. Written to the Bishop of Beijing and Macao,

Dated: Beijing, 2nd of August 1822.

Signed: Fr. Joaquim Ferreira.

2.1.5. Letter concerning four missionaries which are due to arrive in the future.

Class «A», Bill no2, and the chop of the Mandarin of the White House. Written to the Procurator [sic] of the City of Macao.

Dated: 23rd of November 1811.

Signed: António dos Anjos Xavier.

2.1.6. Letter. Class «A», Bill no2.

Dated: 27th of November 1811.

Signed: António dos Anjos Xavier.

2.1.7. Representation by Juche on the role of the missionaries in Ken-Kiu.

2.1.8. Letter with an account by Sunto on the mathematicians (missionaries).

Dated: 28th of December 1811.

2.1.9. Representation of the Court of China. Concerning the punishment of those who spread the Christian religion, and the Europeans who are in China (Beijing) on account of their mathematical expertise but are engaged in occupations other than their mathemathical purposes.

2.1.10. Representation of the Court of China. Class «B», no2. Requesting the expulsion of the Europeans who have no mathematical expertise. Also recommending that all Europeans who are to stay in China must be carefully watched.

2.1.11. Letter of appointment [...] for a First Mandarin on Mathemathics [sic].

Signed: António dos Anjos Xavier.

Dated: 20th of January 1812

2.1.12. Letter about the expulsion [of China] of the missionary Fr. Ferretti.

Dated: 20th of December 1812. Signed: the Earl of Galveias.

2.1.13. Letter about the possibility of allowing Fr. Ferretti to stay in the Seminary of St. Joseph, in Macao.

Dated: 24th of December 1812.

Signed: the Captain-Major of the City of Macao and Governor, Joaquim. Bishop of Beijing.

2.1.14. Answer to the above letter.

Dated: 25th of February 1813.

2.1.15. Official letter concerning Fr. Ferretti issued by the Leal Senado (Loyal Senate). Ofício [Bill] no4.

Dated: 16th of December 1813.

2.1.16. Aldermen Council.

Dated: 2nd of December 1812.

2.1.17. Letter to the Leal Senado.

Signed: the Bishop of Beijing.

2.1.18. A letter.

2.1.19. A letter.

2.1.20. Instruzione per i missionari [...] dalla Sagra Congregazione de Propaganda Fide alla Cina, o all India que soleva srivere il Nunzio [...] - Copy.

2.1.21. A letter.

2.1.22. A letter.

2.1.23. Regarding the succcession procedures of the Government of the City of Macao.

Dated: 16th of July 1823.

Signed: Carlos João Pereira.


[n. d.] - IHGB: ALBUQUERQUE, Diogo Vieira de Tovar e, Apontamento e notícias para instrução que se deve formar em Goa ao Bispo de Pekim sobre os negócios relativos ao domínio de Macau (Note and news on the instructions which should be issued in Goa to the Bishop of Beijing regarding matters concerning the dominion of Macao), lata [tin box] 35, pasta [folder] 5,11.10 - copy.

This document contains thirty-nine items. Follows a succint transcription extracts of the items presently under study:

2.2.3. "[...] os mares adjacentes estão infestados de piratas e levantados que arruinaroo o Comércio e a Navegaçao da China." ("[...] the neighbouring seas are infested with pirates and rebels who will ruin the commerce and the navigation of China.").

2.2.4. "[...] passarao os Portugueses a atacar Ançam - ilha onde se acha Macao." ("The Portuguese will start to attack the island of Ançam, where Macao is situated.").

2.2.24."Animados os Mandarins com estas demonstraçoes e vendo que nos achavamos dispostos a nos sujeitar a tudo quanto quizessem de nos: Ordenarao primeiramente ao Senado, que mandasse arrazar a Igreja e Seminário de N. S. do Amparo, onde os Jesuitas metiao os Chinas convertidos para os educar." ("The Mandarins being pleased with these demonstrations and seeing that we were willing to comply with everything they wanted from us, they ordered the Senate to destroy the Church and Seminary of Our Lady of Protection, where the Jesuits sent the Chinese converts to teach them.").

2.2.39. "Estas são em geral as vantagens de que gozamos em Macao, e que por negligencia e paternidade deixamos perder [...] or privilegios porem que ainda conservamos [...]." ("These are in general the advantages we enjoy in Macao, and which we are loosing due to negligence and paternalism [...] however, the privileges we still keep [...]").


1846 - IHGB: DRUMMOND, António Meneses de Vasconcelos, Apontamentos sobre a China em rascunhos (Sketchy notes about China), Lisbon, 20th of October 1846, lata [tin box] 2, doc. 7, ll. 14.

Follows a general listing containing information on Chinese matters on the items presently under study:

· Agriculture; with special focus on a particularly large cabbage.

· Geographic situation.

· The land and its regions.

This document includes a small bibliography of authors with several commentaries on China and its people.



1796-1800 - IHBG: Pequenas memórias sobre motivos políticos e administrativos (Short memoirs on political and administrative matters), 1796-1800, lata [tin box] 105, doc. 9, ll.43 - copy

Follows a general listing with a succint transcription of extracts of their headings of the items presently under study:

· Proposição política: a necessidade publica em hum Estado Político he causa proxima e manifesta de sua ruína physica e moral. (Political proposals: public needs in a Political State are the near and manifest cause of its physical and moral ruin).

· Observaçoes gerais sobre o uso de fortificar as Ilhas de Mediana Grandeza, e applicaçoes aos cazos particulares propostos nos planos enviados pelo Governador da Ilha de São Miguel para melhoramento da referida ilha. (General observations on the fortification of Medium Size Islands, and its application to the particular cases proposed on the plans sent by the governor of the Island of S. Miguel to the improvment of that Island).

· Traducção e substancia de alguns apontamentos militares, que se entregarao as S. Esa. Luis Pinto de Souza no anno de 1790 (Sobre Espanha e Portugal) (Translation and contents of some military notes delivered to His Exc. Luiz Pinto de Sousa in the year of 1790. (About Spain and Portugal)).

· Memoria sobre a violencia negativa, que ao publico veio causar o novo subsídio dos vinhos de consumo na Cidade de Lisboa (Memory on the negative violence caused by the new wine consumption tax in the city of Lisbon).

· Noticia das causas principaes de que procede a ruina das Candelarias, e da preção dos Povos (News on the main causes of the luminaries' factories ruin).

· Corpos de Mao Morta - Idea do Projecto em geral (Corpos de Mao Morta - General idea of the Project).

· Nota dos favores que se achao exigidos" (Notes on the favours which are requested").

· Notas sobre o Alentejo. (Notes on Alentejo).


[n. d.] - IHGB: Notas Hidrográficas sobre a navegação do Mar da Xina, para servir de continuação ao Roteiro Portuguez (Hydrographical notes on the navigation of the China Sea to serve as an addenda to the Roteiro Portuguez), lata [tin box] 29,11.22 - original and copies.

Follows a general listing containing information on Naval matters of the items presently under study:

· The Banco Grande (lit.: Big Bank) (Banco do mar (lit: sea Bank)).

· Anchorage to the South and West of the Ladrão.

· Preferable derrotas (courses).

· Course to China through the Gulf [sic] at the beginning of counter-winds.

· Course to China through the Straights of Makassar during the counter-monsoon.

· The Straight of Pitt.

· The Pacific Ocean.

· Pulo Taya and Catae.

· Island and anchorage of Arbore.


1774 - BNRJ: GUIMARÁES, Alexandre da Silva Pedrosa, Pastoral do Bispo de Macau, Alexandre da Silva Pedrosa Guimarães, sobre a proibição da prática de ritos orientais (Pastoral letter of the Bishop of Macao, Alexandre da Silva Pedrosa Guimarães, on the prohibition of Eastern Rites), Colégio de S. José (College of St. Joseph), [Macao], the l8th of March 1774,I-25,27,8,11.16 - copy.

1808 - BNRJ: IAO Te Guam, Carta de Iuao Té Guam, mercador da Província de Cantão, a D. João, Príncipe Regente, agradecendo a ajhuda e protecção recebidas (Letter of Iao Te Guam, merchant of the province of Guangdong, to Dom João, Prince Regent, thanking for the help and protection received), 13th of May 1808, I-9,27, 1.5 - original in Chinese. Portuguese translation provided.

1819 - BNRJ: FONSECA, Joaquim Bento da, Roteiro sobre navegação do mar da China, para servir de instrução nas derrotas em contramonção (Guide to the navigation on the Sea of China, to serve as instruction for the courses during the counter-monsoon), Macao, 1819,I-25,28,5 no.3, ll.10-original.

1822 - BNRJ: Carta Régia de D. João VI ao Senado da Câmara de Macau, participando a nomeação do major Francisco Pedro Arbuez Moreira para governador de Macau e ilhas de Solor e Timor (Royal Letter of Dom João VI to the Senate of Macao, announcing the appointment of major Francisco Pedro Arbuez Moreira for Governor of Macao and the Islands of Solor and Timor), Palace of Queluz Palace, the 18th of September 1822, I-25,275,1.1.

1825 - BNRJ: TORRES, Joaquim Monteiro, Ofício de Joaquim Monteiro Torres ao Senado da Câmara de Macau, referindo-se ao restabelecimento da ordem naquela cidade (Bill of Joaquim Monteiro Torres to the Senate of the Chamber of Macao, concerning the re-establishing of order in that City), [Royal] Palace of Mafra, the 24th of March 1825, I-25,27,6,1.2 - original.

1827 - BNRJ: ESCHWEGE, Guilherme de, Colecção Martins (Martins Collection), Ofício de Guilherme de Eschwege a Manuel António de Noronha sobre as vantagens de se minerar cobre em Macau (Bill of Guilherme de Eschwege to Manuel António de Noronha about the advantages of copper mining in Macao), Lisbon, 16th of May 1827, I-28,29,24,11.4 - original.

1815-1835-BNRJ: Colecção Martins (Martins Collection), ANDRADE, José Inácio de, Cartas escritas da Índia e da China nos anos de 1815 a 1835 (Letters sent from India and China in the years between 1815 and 1835), I-24, 28, 29 - copies.

1815-1835 - BNRJ: ANDRADE, José Inácio de, Notícia sobre o chá, sua cultura, e manipulação, extraída das Cartas escritas da Índia, e da China nos anos de 1815 a 1835 (News about tea, its cultivation and manipulation, from the Letters sent from India and China in the years between 1815 and 1835), I-25, 27, 30, 11.16 - copies.

1896 - BNRJ: Rendimentos do Seminário de S. José de Macau (Income of the Seminary of St. Joseph in Macao), 13th of December 1896, I-25,28,5, no3, 1.1 - originals.

1900 - BNRJ: FREITAS, José Aquino de Guimarães e, Colecção Matias (Matias Collection), Memória sobre Macau (Memoir of Macao), Lisbon, 1900, I-28,28,11.70 - original.


1754 - BMSP: SERRA, Diogo Baduen da, Relação da viagem que Diogo Baduen da Serra fez a Macau, China, Mossâmedes, e Rio de Janeiro na nau de N.S. da Conçeição e Lusitânia Grande, e notícias das províncias da China, cidades e vilas [...] e com estampas de algumas cidades que se poderão tirar da viagem que fez (Account of the voyage that Diogo Baduen da Serra made to Macao, China, Mossamedes, and Rio de Janeiro aboard the ship N.S. da Conceicao and Lusitânia Grande, with news from the provinces of China, its towns and cities [...] and with prints of some of those towns related to his travels), MSS a 42 -ⅤⅢ.1.6.

Translated from the Portuguese by: Maria Kerr


* The Route of Spices Project ([RSP] Port.: Projecto "Rota das Especiarias") is being coordinated in Brazil by the Centre of Museologic, Human and Environmental Studies ([MOUSEION] Port.: Centro de Estudos Museológicos e de Ciências do Homem, e do Meio Ambiente) and by the International Network of Museums and Environment [M&E].

1 CAMARGO-MORO, Fernanda de, L'évolution de l' Empire Portugais de l' Orient et son importance pour l' histoire du Brésil: 1640-1750, 2 vols., Paris, ICMAH-AM-ICOM, 1991, vol.2, annex 2 - This document has been fully transcribed, and later, translated into French.

2 Idem., annex 3 - This document has been equally transcribed.

3 Idem., annex 1 - The given title is the correct title of this document. Attention is drawn that this document is inventoried by the IHGB as: Principais ramos de comércio da navegação da China e direitos de Macao [...] (Major branches of the Chinese shipping trade and the Rights of Macao [...]), [n. d.], lata [tin box] 105, doc. 9, ll. 33.

4 Ibidem.

5 Ibidem.

6 Ibidem.

7 Ibidem.

8 Ibidem.

9 Ibidem.

10 Ibidem.

11 The last page of this document has a handwritten note which reads: "Este documento não está completo [...] continha 100 fls." ("This document is incomplete [...] it had ll. 100.").

start p. 63
end p.