Macanese / Redefinitions


Jorge Forjaz*

Coat-of-arms of the Eças. In: GODINHO, António, Livro da Nobreza e perefeiçam de armas, Lisboa, 1540.

"I believe that its male line is completely extinct; and I always thought that, since its origin, this family had the crime of its forefather hanging over it."

Braamcamp Freire, Brazões da Sala de Sintra, 1903, vol. 1, p.98

"No other family had a more brilliant beginning than the Eça's; and although it should have kept the brightness and greatness of its origin in order to be respected, it unfortunately fell into total decadence; thus it is almost extinct."

Dom António Caetano de Sousa, História Genealogica da Casa Real Portuguesa, 1745, vol. 1, p. 644.

To Dom Nuno de Eça, in New Zealand,

and to João de Eça Teixeira, in Lisbon,

cousins in the darkness of time, and over

the seas [...],

I dedicate this first disclosure

of my Famílias Macaenses,

which is also in debt to them.

The two above mentioned great masters of Portuguese genealogy were wrong. One, because he thought the EÇAs male line completely extinct; the other, because he wrote that it fell into total decadence.

In fact, there is in Macao a male line of the EÇAs - which remained unknown to Portuguese genealogists and goes against Braamcamp's assertion; on the other hand, the fact that this family includes successive captains of the Orient and martyrs of their mother land does not agree with Caetano de Sousa's claim.

The origin of the family name EÇA is known; it comes from a Spanish word meaning the name of a village in Galicia, which was given, in strange circumstances, to Dom Fernando - the eldest son of the Infante Dom João, and consequently the grandson of [King] Dom Pedro I [of Portugal] and the beautiful Inês de Castro - by his cousin, the Duke of Arjona.

All the chronicles relate, in comprehensive detail, the tragic story of the Infante Dom João, the one who could have become King, if the argument of legitimacy had prevailed in the 1383 crisis. Son of Dom Pedro and Dona Inês de Castro, he was married to Dona Maria Teles de Menezes, sister of Dona Leonor Teles, Queen of Portugal through her marriage to King Dom Fernando.

From this Royal matrimony, only Dona Beatriz was born, and Dona Leonor was always aware that the presumptive heir to the Crown would be the Infante Dom João, half-brother of the King. She could not stand the idea of seeing her own sister become Queen, so she decided to get rid of her by convincing the Infante Dom João that he would be able to marry Dona Beatriz, thus incontestably becoming the King. In order to do that, he would need to get rid of his wife, whom her own sister was accusing of being adulterous...!

Braamcamp Freire gives us an almost romanticized account of the sequence of events; he even imagines the short dialogue between the Infante Dom Joao and his wife, when he suddenly broke into her quarters and attacked her twice with the dagger of the Count of Barcelos, with enormous brutality, first in the chest and then in the groin, accusing her with loud screams of the horrible crime of which he considered her guilty.

His expiation started immediately as the Queen, in a most hypocrital manner, and contrary to what she had promised him, expressed the horror that the martyrdom of her sister had caused her. He was furthermore pursued by the Count of Neiva, brother of the victim, who forced him to run away, without any Royal protection, to the remotest parts of the Province of Beira, from where, after a great deal of hardships and privations, he crossed the border to Castile.

King Don Juan I of Castile, taking profit from anything which might increase the confusion in the Portuguese Court, readily offered him protection. He donated Dom João the domain of Alba de Tormes and Valencia de Campos, which, since then, was known under the name Valencia de Don Juan. But, in 1383, when the news of the death of King Dom Fernando arrived at Castile, the Infante Dom João lost his supreme protection, as the King of Castile gave orders to imprison him, being afraid that he might pretend to the throne that he himself pretended to.

He was imprisoned for some years, and it is now commonly claimed that the Mestre de Aviz -an illegitimate son of Dom Pedro and his mistress Teresa Lourenço - assumed the title of 'Defensor do Reyno' ('Defender of the Kingdom') on behalf of his half-brother, imprisoned in Castile. The Mestre de Aviz, according to Dom António Caetano de Sousa, "as soon as he was elected 'Defensor do Reyno' tried to make it clear to the Infante Dom Joao, his half-brother, that he was adopting this title on his behalf; in order to liberate the Country and in the expectation that one day Dom Joao would escape and become the real ruler. To prove that he had his brother in mind, he gave orders to have his flags painted with a portrait of his brother in chains, like he was, by that time, in Castile."1

Portuguese historians did not pay much attention to the existence of this son of Dom Pedro, concerned as they were with focusing their research into the exceptional personality of the Mestre de Aviz, founder of one Dynasty and father of an illustrious generation. In 1947, the historian Salvador Dias Arnaut, then conducting research at the University of Coimbra - later to became a professor there and probably the greatest Portuguese specialist on the History of the 1383 Crisis- was to publish a thesis on the battle held in Trancoso, in which he defended with "a different intensity of formulation" that in the crisis caused by the death of Dom Fernando, "the people, eager for independence, acclaimed as their King, if only in thought, Dom João, the son of Dom Pedro and Dona Inês de Castro, who was in Castile"2 and to whom," through the lineage, the throne was undoubtely due".3

In that dark hour for the Country, all hope was vested in the Infante Dom João. 4 However, the subsequent events - the overwhelming intervention of Doutor João das Regras at the Cortes (General Assembly of the National Representatives) of Coimbra - changed forever the destiny of Portugal. From 'Defensor do Reino', the Mestre de Aviz became King of Portugal; acclaimed by the Cortes with the title of Dom João I. His brother remained in Spain, having remarried, to Dona Constança, who was also a half-sister of the King of Castile. He died, in 1397, probably before he was even fifty years old.

By Dona Maria Teles, his first wife, he had one son, Fernando, who when still a child heard the appalling screams of his mother being murdered by his father. By Dona Constança, his second wife, he had two daughters, Dona Beatriz and Dona Maria. He also had two illegitimate sons, Dom Pedro da Guerra and Dom Afonso, both later married to women related to the most significant - although on the opposite side - intervening parties in the dynastic crisis: Dom Pedro da Guerra married a daughter of João Fernandes de Andeiro "from love, much against the will of the Infante",5 and Dom Afonso married the daughter of... João das Regras!

Door of the Palace of Subripas, in Coimbra. Here, according to the tradition, Dona Maria Teles was murdered. In: CHAGAS, Pinheiro, História de Portugal, vo I. I, p.381-detail.
Romantic interpretation of the murder of Dona Leonor de Teles. In: CHAGAS, Pinheiro, História de Portugal, vol. 1, p. 377-detail.

And what happened to the son of Dona Maria Teles, the child who so early lost both his parents, one a fugitive murderer, the other brutally murdered?

Dom Fernando6 went to Castile, where he became close to his cousin, the Duke of Arjona, who donated to him, as we have already mentioned, the village of Eça. The Royal blood made him illustrious, but did not give him a family name - Kings have no family names! - and shortly afterwards he took for himself the name of his village: Dom Fernando de Eça!

He died abroad, but the Abbess of Lorvão, Dona Catarina, his daughter, brought his remains to Portugal, and he is buried in the main chapel of the church of the Convento do Espírito Santo (Convent of the Holy Ghost), in Gouveia, under the following epitaph:

"Here lies Dom Fernando de Eça, son of the Infante Dom João and grandson of His Majesty the King Dom Pedro of Portugal and of the Infanta Dona Inês de Castro, his wife [...]".7

Although the blood of the First Dynasty, which ran in his veins, did not give him access to the throne, he made use of the heraldic symbol which came from the first Kings of Portugal. His heraldic arms are indeed closely derived from the old arms of Portugal: a cross formed by five small blue escutcheons in a silver ground, the flanking ones lying horizontally and pointing to the centre, and carrying, each one, nine bezants in groups of three; a purple lion's ear, with its knots, crossed over the escutcheons, except for the one in the centre. As a crest, a blue or red eagle is displayed, decorated with gold and carrying on its chest five silver bezants forming across. No other family in Portugal uses arms that identify so closely with the dawn of the Nation...

Dom Fernando de Eça was truly the founder of the Eças, not only because he was the first to bear this name, but also because he had - it is claimed - forty-two children, being reported to have been married to several women at the same time.

In the following genealogical table, which forms the introduction to the EÇAs chapter of my work Famílias Macaenses (Macanese Families), now being concluded, I record four of these children: two of them with descendants in Macao; and two others with descendants in the island of Terceira, in the Azores - one of them being one of my ancestors.

A descendant of Dom Garcia de Eça is Dona Maria Luísa de Mendonça e Eça ◇ Dom António Félix Machado, the prestigious Marquis of Montebelo, a famous painter in the Court of Madrid and ancestor, also in the male line, of the Machados de Mendonça, from Macao. Also his descendant, by another line, is Dona Filipa da Guerra ◇ Francisco de Almeida de Ornelas, from the island of Terceira.

There is a grandson of Dom Pedro de Eça, Dom Fernando de Eça ◇ Dona Leonor de Gusmão, also from the island of Terceira.

Dona Antónia de Eça ◇ Paulo Ferreira de Gusmão, from Terceira, is a granddaughter of Dom Duarte de Eça.

From Dom Fernando de Eça, †1501, in the siege of Mombaça, descend, without interruption of the male line, the Eças from Macao, contrary to the assertion of Braamcamp that the male line was extinct.

The following text is the full transcription8 of the chapter on this subject of my work Famílias Macaenses, a research pursued under the sponsorship of the Fundação Oriente (Orient Foundation). It is appropriate to unveil the list - although, still not definitive - of the studied families, thus allowing one to evaluate the dimension of the project: Aires, Albuquerque, Almada e Castro, Almeida, Alvarenga, Álvares, Alves, Amaral, Amorim, Antunes, Aquino, Araújo, Araújo e Silva, Arriaga, Assumpção, Azedo, Baduel, Baptista, Barradas, Barreiros, Barreto, Barros, Basto, Bastos, Batalha, Bayot, Belo, Borges, Botelho, Boyol, Braga, Brandão, Cabral, Campos, Canavarro, Carion, Carlos, Carneiro, Carvalho, Carvalho e Rego, Castro, Coelho, Colaço, Conceição, Cordeiro, Correia, Correia de Lacerda, Cortela, Costa, Costa e Andrade, Costa Campos, Costa Pereira, Couto, Dannenberg, Demée, Eça, Encarnação, Estorninho, Faria Neves, Ferreira, Ferreira Gordo, Fialho, Figueiredo, Fonseca, Franco, Freira, Freitas, Gamboa, Garcia, Gomes, Gonçalves, Gonçalves Pereira, Gonzaga, Gosano, Goulart, Gracias, Grandpré, Guimarães, Guterres, Hagatong, Homem de Carvalho, Hyndman, Jesus, Jorge, Leão, Lecaroz, Lemos, Liger, Lobato de Faria, Lobo, Lopes, Lopes da Silva, Loureiro, Lourenço, Luz, Macedo, Machado de Mendonça, Madeira de Carvalho, Maher, Manhão, Marçal, Marques, Marques Pereira, Martinho Marques, Medina, Melo, Melo Sampaio, Mendes, Menezes, Mesquita, Milner, Miranda, Moor, Morais, Mota, Nantes, Nery, Nolasco da Silva, Noronha, Nunes, Oliveira, Osório, Outeiro, Pacheco, Paiva, Pedruco, Pegado, Pereira, Pereira de Campos, Pereira de Lacerda, Pereira Leite, Peres, Pessanha, Pinto Marques, Placé, Rangel, Rego, Remédios, Ribas da Silva, Ribeiro, Ritchie, Robarts, Rocha, Rodrigues, Rosa, Rosa Duque, Salatwichy, Sales, Salvado, Sanches, Santos, Santos Ferreira, Sarrazola, Sena, Senna Fernandes, Silveira, Siqueira, Sousa, Steyn, Suriano, Teles, Vasconcelos, Vaz, Veiga, Velge, Viana, Vieira, Vieira Ribeiro, Vital, Xavier and Yvanovitch.

Coat-of-arms of the Eças. Engraving after a drawing by Debrie, reproducing one of the painted panels of the caisson ceiling of the Sala dos Brazões (Room of the Coats-of-Arms), in the Palácio da Vila (Town Palace), in Sintra. In: FREIRE, Braancamp, Brazões da Sala de Sintra, 2 vols, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade, 1903, vol. 1.

As there are different families bearing the same family name, in my book many of these families correspond to several explanatory paragraphs, (as it is in the case of the SIL V As, who constitute at least seven distinct families).


"Those who, in a chain with knots,

Bear the Royal arms

And the five shields

Have, for grandparents, princes,

And, for parents, Kings.

And no matter their actual poor condition

Due to the errors of the past,

One should not forget

The Royal blood of the Eças,

Even if times have changed"

João Rodrigues de Sá

1. {1.}King Dom Pedro I [of Portugal]

° 1320-†1367

Dona Inês de Castro

Son [of: {1.}]:

2. {1.1.}Infante Dom João

° ca 1351 - tea 1397.

Dona Maria Teles de Menezes, sister of Queen Dona

Leonor Teles, both daughters of Martim Afonso Teles de Menezes.

Son [of: {1.1.}]:

3. {1.1.1.}Dom Fernando de Eça

Lord of the Vila de Eça, Galicia, where he died, and from where he got his name.

◇several women and is reported to have had forty-two children, of whom only fourteen names are known.

Children [of {1.1.1.}]:

4. {}Dom Garcia de Eça

{brother of:}

Chief alcalde of Muge.


Dona Joana de Albergaria.

Children [of: {1. 1. 1. 1.}]:

5. {}Dom Jerónimo de Eça

{brother of:}

Member of the Council of Dom Manuel (1514).

Dona Maria Tibão, daughter of Afonso Martins Tibão.

Daughter [of: {}]:

6. {} Dona Isabel de Eça


† 1576.

◇Lourenço de Sousa da Silva, provider of the lodgings of King Dom João III, son of Rui de Sousa da Silva and Dona Leonor de Noronha.

Son [of: {}]:

7. {} Manuel de Sousa da Silva

Chief provider of the lodgings of King Dom Sebastião.

† 1578, in Ksar-el-Kebir.

Dona Ana de Vilhena, daughter of Luís Álvares de Távora, Lord of Mogadouro.

Son [of: {}]:

8. {} Lourenço de Sousa da Silva

Chief provider of the lodgings and comendador of São Tiago de Beduído.

Dona Luísa de Menezes, daughter of Dom Álvaro de Menezes and Dona Violante de Ataíde (daughter of Dom Vasco da Gama, 3rd Count of Vidigueira).

Son [of: {}]:

9. {} Manuel de Sousa da Silva

Overseer of the House of Queen Dona Maria Francisca and comendador of the Orders of Cristo and Aviz.

Dona Joana de Mendonça, legatee daughter of Diogo de Mendonça (governor and chief captain of Brazil) and Dona Maria da Cunha.

Daughter [of: {}]:

10. {} Dona Luísa Maria de Mendonça e Eça

◇1676 António Félix Machado da Silva e Castro, 2nd Marquis of Montebelo.

See: MACHADO DE MENDONÇA, Intro., no14. Actual descendants in Macao.


Children [of: {1.1.1.}]:

4. {} Dom Pedro de Eça

{brother of:}:

Lord of Aldeia Galega.

Had an illegitimate son.

Son [of: {}]:

5. {} Dom Jorge de Eça, the "Black".

◇Dona Isabel Rodrigues.

Son [of: {}]:

6. {} Dom Fernando de Eça

◇Dona Leonor de Gusmão, daughter of João de Teive (from the island of Terceira).10

With descendants.


Children [of: {}]

5. {} Dom Jorge de Eça

{brother of:}

Chief alcalde of Muge (1484) and member of the Council of King Dom Manuel (1511).

◇Dona Brites da Silva, daughter of Vasco Fernandes de Sampaio, (Lord of Vila Flor) and Dona Mécia Vaz de Melo.

Son [of: {}]:

6. {} Dom Garcia de Eça

Chief alcalde of Muge and member of the Council of King Dom Manuel I.

◇Dona Antónia Forjaz, daughter of Jorge de Melo

(Master of ceremonies of King Dom Manuel I) and Dona Isabel Pereira.

Son [of: {}]:

7. {} Dom Jorge de Eça

Chief alcalde of Muge and Captain of India.

† 1530, in the siege of Choromandel.

◇Dona Maria Pereira, daughter of António Pereira (captain of Choromandel).

Daughter [of: {}]:

8. {} Dona Filipa da Guerra

◇Dom Francisco de Almeida de Ornelas, from the island of Terceira. 11

With descendants, from whom the author descends.

Children [of: {1.1.1.}]:

4. {} Dom Duarte de Eça

{brother of}


Had an illegitimate son.

Son [of: {}]:

5. {} Dom Jaime de Eça

◇Dona Isabel Pessanha, daughter of João Pessanha (owner of entailed property, of Alenquer).

Daughter [of: {}]:

6. {} Dona Antónia de Eça

◇1 Fernão Martins Evangelho;

◇2 Paulo Ferreira de Gusmão, from the island of Terceira. 12

With descendants.


Children [of: {}]:

5. { } Dom Francisco de Eça

{brother of}

Captain of Malacca, where he died.

◇Dona Grimanesa Casco, daughter of Nuno Casco (from Évora).

Son [of: {}]:

6. {} Dom Pedro de Eça

◇Dona Maria da Silva Côrte-Real, daughter of Vasco

Anes Côrte-Real (from the island of Terceira).13


Children [of: {1.1.1.}]:

4. {} Dom Fernando de Eça

{brother of:}

Chief alcalde of Vila Viçosa, frontierman of Arzila and captain of a galleon of the fleet of Viceroy Dom Francisco de Almeida.

† 1501, in the siege of Mombaça.

◇Dona Joana de Saldanha, daughter of Fernão Lopes de Saldanha (chief accountant of Castile).

Son [of: {}]:

5. {} Dom João de Eça

Chief alcalde of Vila Viçosa, followed the Duke Dom Jaime to Azamor, in 1503.

◇to Dona Maria de Melo, daughter of Vasco Martins de Melo (chief alcalde of Castelo de Vide) and Dona Isabel Pereira.

Son [of: {}]:

6. {} Dom Duarte de Eça

Followed King Dom Sebastião to Africa, afterwards captain of Malacca, Ceylon and Goa. After he left India, he settled in Óbidos. ◇ Dona Leonor de Faria, daughter of Pedro de Faria (captain of Malacca and Goa).

Daughter [of: {}]:

7. {}Dom João de Eça

Lived in Óbidos.

◇{Lisbon} Dona Catarina Bernardes, Lady of the Farm of Foz do Arelho, daughter of António Vaz Bernardes and Joana Lopes Brandão.

Son [of: {}]:

8. { } Dom António de Eça Lord of the Farm of Foz do Arelho.

Dona Clara Bernarda de Vilas-Boas, daughter of Nuno Bernardes Monteiro and Isabel de Vilas-Boas.

Son [of: {}]:

9. {} Dom Duarte de Eça

◇Maria de Oliveira, daughter of João Pinto de Oliveira (from Lourinhã) and Helena Fernandes.

Son [of: {}]:

10. { } Dom Manuel de Eça e Faria

Succeded in the house.

Dona Isabel Maria Antónia Miles de Macedo, daughter of Vicente da Costa almoxarife (administrator/treasurer of the Royal Domains ) of the Casa das Carnes (House of Meats) and Dona Isabel Miles de Macedo.

Children [of: {}]:

11. {} Dom António José de Eça Faria Henriques {brother of:}

° {Lisbon (Santos-o-Velho)}. Served in Brazil and was later appointed governor of Cabo Verde.

◇{Lisbon (Santa Catarina) 2 April 1731} Dona Quitéria Bernardina da Gama e Freitas ° {Lisbon (Encarnação)}, daughter of captain Bernardo de Freitas da Gama and Dona Josefa Maria Caetana.

Rua do Sol, in Lisbon.

11. {} Dona Clara Bernarda da Eça {sister of:}

Bapt. {Lisbon (Santos-o-Velho) 12 April 1696}.

◇{Lisbon (Santa Catarina) 30 Jan. 1723} António do Rego de Alpoim e Menezes (from the island of Terceira). 14

With descendants in Lisbon.

Son [of: {}]:

12. {} Dom Francisco de Eça e Castro ° {Lisbon (Santa Catarina) 1 March 1735}.

Appointed governor of Piahui, Brazil.

† on the journey from Maranhão to Piahui.

◇{Lisbon (São Tomé) 9 Oct. 1762} 15 Dona Catarina de Almada ° {Odivelas}, daughter of António Lobo da Gama de Almada ° {Lisbon (Mártires)} and † {Madrid} (where he was ambassador of Portugal, Lord of the entailed property of Val do Guizo) and Dona Mariana Angélica de Arez ° {Lisbon (Santa Catarina)}; granddaughter, by her father, of Miguel Diogo da Gama Lobo, guarda-roupa (dresser of King Dom Afonso VI) and Dona Guiomar de Almada (Lady of the entailed property of Val do Guizo).

13. or I{} or, hereinafter {2.} DOM ANTONIO DE EÇA LOBO DE ALMADA E CASTRO [Continuing]


Son [of: {}]:

·13. orI {} or, hereinafter {2.} DOM ANTÓNIO DE EÇA LOBO DE ALMADA E CASTRO

° {Lisbon (São Vicente de Fora) 2 March 1770}, bapt. as Dom António de Eça Lobo da Gama e Almada - a name that, actually, he never used.

† {Macao, post quem 1823}.

After the death of his mother, he started receiving an annuity of 15.000 reis from the Obra Pia, which passed, after his death, to his brother, Dom Manuel de Eça e Castro, granted by a charter passed on the 18th of November 1781, 16 with an annotation for survival from the 30th of July 1789. 17

Around 179018 he went to Macao. It is known that, in 1806, he was the owner of the ship Flor de Macau, 19 which he used for commercial purposes in the Orient. His lofty lineage - he was a descendant of one of the most illustrious Portuguese families - and the success that he might have had in his businesses caused envy and denouncements, like the one made by an anonymous author, under the pseudonym Plutarcho Macaense, accusing Dom António de Eça of being "a liar by profession, an idiot by nature and a swindler by nobility".20

On the 31st of March 1797 he justified his nobility, 21for him and for his descendants until Dom Duarte de Eça (see: Intro., no6), being granted armorial bearings, 22 - a quartered shield, 1st of Eça, 2nd of Castro, 3rd of Lobo and 4th of Almada.

◇{Macao (São Lourenço)17 Nov. 1793} Dona Ana Joaquina Carneiro ° {Macao} and † {4 April 1806}, daughter of Joaquim Carneiro Machado ° {Oporto} and Dona Josefa Correia da Costa.

Started the EÇA's family in Macao.


Children [of: {2.}]:


{brother of: 2.2.+2.3.+2.4.+2.5.+2.6.}


2(II) {2.2.} Dona Ana Antónia

{sister of: 2.1+2.3+2.4+2.5+2.6}

° {Macao (São Lourenço) 25 Oct. 1795}.

3(II) {2.3.} Dona Maria Francisca

{sister of: 2.1.+2.2.+2.4.+2.5+2.6}

° {Macao (São Lourenço) 13 Nov. 1796}.

4(II) {2.4.} Dom Vicente António

{brother of: 2.1.+2.2.+2.3.+2.4.+2.6.}

° {Macao (São Lourenço) 13 Nov. 1797}.

5(II) {2.5.} Dom António

{brother of: 2.1.+2.2.+2.3.+2.4.+2.6.}

° {Macao(São Lourenço) 14 July 1800}.

6(II) {2.6.} Dona Rosa de Santa Maria

{sister of: 2.1.+2.2.+2.3.+32.4.+2.5.}

° {Macao (São Lourenço) 1 Dec. 1801}.



{brother of: 2.2.+2.3.+2.4.+2.5.+2.6.}

° {Macao (São Lourenço) 24 Oct. 1794}

† {Macao (São Lourenço) 1 Aug. 1839}.

Lieutenant commandant of the Fortress of Guia. Condemned, for political reasons, to 3 months prison, by a sentence of the War Council, confirmed by the Supreme Council of Military Justice of Goa, on the 8th of May 1838. 23

◇{Macao (Sé) 29 Nov. 1834} Dona Maria Micaela da Silva - See: SIL VA, §6, no3.

Children [of: {2.1.}]:

1(III) or III{2.1.1.} DOM ANTONIO DE EÇA VAZ BERNARDES {brother of: 2.1.2.}

° {Macao (São Lourenço) 6 June 1826}, bapt. at home because his life was in danger, received the benedictions at the Church on the 6 Sept. 1835.

† {Macao (São Lourenço) 17 June 1888}.

Scrivener of the steamer Aurora.

△Rua da Praia do Born Parto, 23, Macao.

◇{Hong Kong (Cathedral) 19 Nov. 1861} Dona Leopoldina Rosa de Carvalho - See: CARVALHO, §1, no6.

2(III) {2.1.2.} Dona Ana Antónia de Eça e Silva

{sister of: 2.1.1.}

° {Macao (São Lourenço) 4 Jan. 1823}, bapt. {13 Sept. 1835}

† {Macao (Sé) 26 April 1858}.

◇{Macao (São Lourenço) 23 Aug. 1842} Caetano Gomes da Silva - See: SIL VA, §11, no2.

With descendants who continue there.

Children [of: {2.1.1.}]:

1(IV) {} Dom Celidónio Maria de Eça

{brother of: +}    ° {Macao, 1863}

† {Macao (São Lourenço) 27 July 1909}.

Dona Maria Pureza Pinto de Sousa ° {Coimbra 1863} and † {Macao (São Lourenço) 25 Oct. 1915}, daughter of José Anselmo Pinto de Sousa and Dona Caetana Augusta Pereira.

Children [of: {}]:

1(V){} Dom Alvaro Maria de Eça

{brother of:}

° {Macao (São Lourenço) 2 Aug. 1886}

† {Shanghai, 14 Aug. 1937}.

Commercial clerk.

◇{Macao (São Lourenço) 18 July 1914} Dona Maria Amália Carneiro - See: CARNEIRO.

Children [of: {}]:

1(VI) {} Dom Gastão Frederico de Eça, "Bill"

{brother of:}

° {Shanghai}

† {Sidney, Australia, ca 1990}.

◇{Shanghai} Vera ....................., ° {Vladivostok}.

Without descendants.

2(VI) {} Dona Helena de Eça

{sister of:}

° {Shanghai, 28 Jan. 1917}.

◇{Shanghai, 22 May 1940} José Francisco Teixeira

° {Barreiro, 27 Feb. 1903} and† {Lisbon, 13 June 1985}.

Dr. in Law and in History and Philosophy from the University of Lisbon, and diplomat.

José Francisco Teixeira was consul in Pointe-Noire, Shanghai and Le Havre, general-consul in Bremen, chief of the Administrative Department of the Consulate, counselor of the Legation in Madrid, plenipotentiary minister (2nd class), in the reserve list since the 24th of February 1965. According to Costa Brochado, he was "one of the most notable men of my generation [...]. Teixeira brightened, with the sharpness of his spirit, what it seems to me is the last bookshop of Lisbon [Sá da Costa]. José Francisco Teixeira, founder and president of the Tertúlia [literary assembly] was a very rare man, with an encyclopoedical knowledge. He knew about everything, and nothing failed to interest him. His companions at the Tertúlia sought his help as they would do with a dictionary [...] He had a paradigmatic memory. One day, during one of our constant dialogues, I can not recall for what reason, I recited these well known verses: "Mon verre est très petit mais je bois dans mon verre". He immediately said, vehemently, as if he had been wounded: "These are wrong! They are verses of Musset, but they go like this: Mon verre n 'est pas grand, mais je bois dans mon verre." He corrected, equally quickly, dates and names, from the month before to the fifteenth century! The history of philosophy had no secrets for him. In that matter, he was particulary good [...]. Politically, he was a liberal and, as far as I could understand, nothing more. Philosophically, he was a cepticist and he considered himself, religiously, an atheist; but I convinced him that he was, like Bertrand Russell, an agnostic [...]. Obviously, a man like this would never be able to attain, in our times, the heights that his moral and intellectual value justified and deserved."24

Town mansion, in the Praia Grande, belonging to the Eça family.

Presently housing the Colégio Mateus Ricci (Matteo Ricci College).

Children [of: {}]:

1(VII) {} Dona Maria José de Eça Teixeira

{sister of:}

° {Shanghai (Christ the King) 2 June 1940}.

◇1: Augusto Ferreira Pereira.

◇2: Daniel Silva Carvalho Silvano (employee of Air France and of Balkan Airways, in Lisbon).

Daughter [of {}] — first marriage:

1(VIII) {} Dona Cristina de Eça Teixeira Pereira

° {Lisbon, 4 July 1959}.

† {South Africa 18 June 1982} victim of a car accident.

◇Ken Beecroft (from Johannesburg, South Africa).

Daughter [of: {}]:

1(IX) {} Kelly Pereira Beecroft


Children [of: {}] — second marriage:

2(VIII) {} Dona Patrícia Teixeira Silvano

° {Lisbon (São Sebastião) 9 March 1965).

Flight attendant at TAP Air Portugal.

◇{1 Aug. 1992} José Manuel Aires (pilot of TAP Air Portugal).

Daughter [of: {}]:

1(IX) {} Dona Mafalda Silvano Aires

° {Lisbon, 25 Jan. 1993}.


Children [of: {}]:

3(VIII) {} Dona Mónica Teixeira Silvano

{sister of:}

° {Lisbon (São Sebastião) 3 Oct. 1969}.

Travel agent.

◇ {Parede, 4 Dec. 1987} José de Melo.

Children [of: {}]:

1(IX) {} Diogo Silvano de Melo

{brother of:}

° {Cascais, 5 May 1989}.

2(IX) {} Dona Cláudia Silvano de Melo

{sister of:}

° {Lisbon. 8 April 1994}.


Children [of: {}]:

4(VIII) {} Ricardo Teixeira Silvano

{brother of:}

° {Lisbon (São João de Deus) 18 June 1972}.


Children [of: {}]:

l(VII) {} João Álvaro de Eça Teixeira {brother of:}

° {Shanghai (Christ the King) 9 Feb. 1942}.

Employee of South African Airways, in Lisbon.

◇{Lisbon (5th C. R. C.) 16 Oct. 1967}◇ Dona Maria Elizabeth Duarte Pereira °{Lisbon (Socorro)16 March 1944}, daughter of Óscar Pereira Rodrigues and Dona Irene Duarte Pereira.

Children [of: {}]:

l(VⅢ) {} Miguel Ângelo Pereira de Eça Teixeira {brother of:}

° {Lisbon (São Sebastião) 18 Aug. 1968}.

Travel agent (Agência Abreu).

◇Lisbon Dona Carla Gris Gras ° {Lisbon}.

Without descendants.

2(VIII) {} Ana Maria Pereira de Eça Teixeira

{sister of:}

° {Lisbon (São Sebastião) 10 May 1971}.

Travel agent (Professional Tours).

◇Rui Manuel Figueira Gonçalves, (business man).

Son [of: {}]:

1(IX) {} Tiago de Eça Gonçalves

° {Portimão, 19, April 1992}.


Children [of: {}]:

3(VIII) {} Frederico João Pereira de Eça Teixeira

{brother of:}

° {Lisbon (São Domingos de Benfica) 3 Feb. 1982}.


Children [of: {}]:

2(V) {} Dom Adolfo José de Eça

{brother of:}

° {Macao (São Lourenço) 20 Aug. 1888}.

Dona Genoveva Georgina da Rosa Gomes.

Daughter [of: {}]:

1(VI) {} Dona Maria da Pureza Gomes de Eça ° Hong Kong.

◇{Manila (Church of Malate) 15 Feb. 1938} Carlos Maria da Luz Nunes - See: NUNES, §1, no3.

With descendants who continue there.


Children [of {}]:

3(V) {} Dom António de Eça

{brother of:}

° {Macao (S. Lourenço) 16 Aug. 1889}.

† immediately after.

4(V) {} Dom Frederico Pedro de Eça

{brother of:}

° {Macao (São Lourenço) 1890}

† {Hong Kong (buried in Happy Valley)}.

Scrivener of the steamer Lui Tai.

◇{Macao (Santo António) 27 Sept. 1914} Dona Eulália de Paulo Maria Marques da Mota - See: MOTA, §1, no3.

Without descendants.


Children [of: {2.1.1.}]:

2(IV) {} Dona Stella Maria de Eça

{sister of:}

° {Hong Kong, 1865}

† {Macao (São Lourenço) 10 Sept. 1914).

◇ {Macao (São Lourenço) 18 Sept. 1892} Albino António Pacheco - See: PACHECO, §1, no4.

With descendants who continue there.

3(IV) {} Dona Zilda Florentina de Eça

{sister of:}

° {Hong Kong, 1867}

† {Macao (São Lourenço) 18 June 1943}.

◇ {Macao (São Lourenço) 21 Sept. 1890} Licínio Maria dos Remédios - See: REMÉDIOS, §2, no3.

With descendants who continue there.

4(IV) {} Dom José Maria d'Eça

{brother of:}

° {1868}

† {Macao (São Lourenço) 5 Jan. 1954}.

Dona Cecília Augusta Gomes.

Without descendants.

5(IV) {} Dona Mariaouliza Júlia de Eça

{sister of:}

° {Hong Kong (Cathedral) 1869}

† {Macao (São Lourenço) 23 April 1960}.


6(IV) {} Dona Maria Teresa de Eça

{sister of:}

° 1874

† {Macao (São Lourenço) 17 April 1948}.


7(IV) {} Dona Ângela Francisca de Eça

{sister of:}

° {Hong Kong, 1875}

† {Macao (São Lourenço) 9 Dec. 1964}.


8(IV) {} Dom António Artur de Eça

{brother of:}

° {Macao (São Lourenço) 23 Sept. 1880}.

◇ Maria Olimpia Pimenta de Queiroz ° {Oporto}.

Daughter [of: {}]:

1(V) {} Dona Maria de Lourdes Queiroz de Eça, "Mimi"

° {Hong Kong}.




{brother of:}

° {Macao (São Lourenço) 13 Dec. 1886}

† {Kowloon [Hong Kong] (buried at the Cemetery of Sheung Sha Wan), 11 Aug. 1944}

Broker at the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.

◇ {Kowloon (Rosary Church) 28 June 1924} Dona Ana Alda Maria da Silva Loureiro - See: LOUREIRO, §1, no7.

Children [of: {}]

1(V) {} Dom António Lopo Vaz Loureiro de Eça

{brother of:}

° {Kowloon [Hong Kong] (Rosary Church) 28 Feb. 1925}

† {San Francisco/California, 22 Nov. 1990}.

Sales director at the Hilton Hotel, San Francisco.

◇ {Kowloon (Rosary Church) 22 April 1951} Dona Jacqueline

Maria Barreto da Silva - See: SIL VA, §20, no4.

Daughter [of: {}]:

1(VI) {} Dona Bárbara Anne da Silva de Eça

° {London, 24 July 1952}.

◇{San Francisco/California (Church of the Apostle St. Thomas), 8 Sept. 1973} Charles Edwin Sackett III, son of Charles Edwin Sackett II and Georgia Rita Lynch.

Children [of: {}]:

1(VII) {} Charles Edwin Sackett IV

{brother of:}

° {Santa Rosa/California, 24 Sept. 1978}.

2(VII) {} Veronica Anne Sackett

{sister of:}

° {Santa Rosa, 24 Feb. 1981}.


Children [of: {}]

2(V) Dom Nuno Lopo Vaz Loureiro de Eça

{brother of:}

° [Kowloon [Hong Kong] (Rosary Church) 3 Sept. 1926}.

◇ {Hong Kong (St. Anthony) 21 Dec. 1955} Mabel Warboys °{Hong Kong (Government Civil Hospital) 12 Aug. 1933}, daughter of John Warboys

° {Scotland}, (petty officer of the Royal Navy), fin combat aboard his ship during World War II, and Yip Chui Kam ° {Hong Kong}.

Daughters [of: {}]:

1(VI) {} Dona Maria Luísa de Eça

{sister of:}

° {Kowloon [Hong Kong] (Rosary Church) 28 July 1956}.

◇ {Auckland/New Zealand, 12 Jan. 1980} John Stewart Weston °{Auckland}, son of Snow Weston and Marie Weston (from New Zealand).


Children [of: {}]:

1(VII) {} Jeremy John Weston

{brother of:}

° {Wellington, 19 Feb. 1985}.

2(VII) {} Bianca Maria Weston

{sister of:}

° {Wellington, 5 Sept. 1987}.


Children [of: {}]

2(VI) {} Dona Maria Helena de Eça

{sister of:}

° {Kowloon [Hong Kong] (Rosary Church) 1 Dec. 1957}.

◇ { Auckland, 5 June 1982} David Peter Leane ° {Auckland, 26 Aug. 1953} printer, son of Peter Douglas Leane, (naval engineer) and Yvonne Hamilton Leane (from New Zealand).

Without descendants.


Children [of: {}]:

3(V) {} Dom João Herculano Lopo Vaz Loureiro de Eça

{brother of:}

° {Kowloon [Hong Kong] (Rosary Church) 28 Dec. 1927}

† {Macau (Sé) (buried at the Cemetery of São Miguel, no291) 14 March 1945}.

4(V) {} Dona Maria Francisca Lopo Vaz Loureiro de Eça

{sister of:}

° {Kowloon [Hong Kong] (Rosary Church) March 1928}

† {Hong Kong, 1931}.

5(V) {} Dom Eduardo Lopo Vaz Loureiro de Eça

{brother of:}

° {Kowloon [Hong Kong] (Rosary Church) Jan. 1929}. Single.

Hotel barman in San Francisco, California.


{brother of:}


7(V) {} Dona Fátima Maria Lopo Vaz Loureiro de Eça

{sister of:}

° {Kowloon (Rosary Church) 25 Jan. 1935}.

◇ {Kowloon (Rosary Church) 6 June 1956} Reginaldo Maria Santos ° {Shanghai}, (aeronautical engineer at the United Airlines, San Francisco), son of Bartolomeu Maria dos Santos and Daisy Carion.

Children [of: {}]:

1(VI) {} Stephanie Lourdes de Eça Santos

{sister of:}

◇{San Francisco/California} Charles Edward Russell.

Daughters [of: {}]:

1(VII) {} Jennifer Anne Russell

{sister of +}

° {San Francisco/California}.

2(VII) {} Erica Marie Russell

{sister of +}

° {San Francisco/California}.

3(VII) {} Laureen Russell

{sister of +}

4(VII) {} Brendon Russell

{sister of +}

5(VII) {} Katherine Diana Russell

{sister of +}


Children [of: {}]:

2(VI) {} Robert Anthony de Eça Santos

{brother of:}

Children [of: {}]:

8(V) {} Dom Francisco José Lopo Vaz Loureiro de Eça {brother of:}

° {Kowloon [Hong Kong] (Rosary Church) 1932}.

† {Hong Kong, 28 July 1981}.


9(V) {} Dom Luís Lopo Vaz Loureiro de Eça

{brother of:}

° {Hong Kong, 1940 (or 1941?)}.

† at 2 or 3 months old.



{brother of:}

° {Kowloon [Hong Kong] (Rosary Church) 15 Sept. 1930}.

Vice-president of the National Bank of America in Rio de Janeiro, for around 15 years; high functionary of the same bank in San Francisco (1994).

◇ {Kowloon (Rosary Church)} Joyce Therese O'Brien

° {Hong Kong}, daughter of John O'Brien and Beatriz Castro.

Children [of: {}]:

1(VI) {} Dona Maria de Lourdes de Eça

{sister of:}

° Hong Kong.

◇Rio de Janeiro.........................

2(VI) {} Dona Sabrina de Eça

{sister of:}

° Hong Kong

◇Rio de Janeiro........................


{brother of:}

° Hong Kong.



Translated from the Portuguese by: Ana Pinto de Almeida


Alcaide-mor = Chief alcalde

Almoxarife = Administrator/treasurer of the Royal domains

Aposentador = Provider of lodgings

Aposentador-mor = Chief provider of the lodgings

Capitão = Captain

Capitão-general = Chief captain

Comendador = Commander (of a Religious or Military Order)

Contador-mor = Chief accountant

Fronteiro = Frontierman

Guarda-roupa = Dresser

Infante = Prince

Mestre sala = Master of ceremonies

Morgado = Owner of entailed property

Vedor = Overseer



†= Dead

◇= Married


**In this listing, the readers will be directed to other chapters, each one corresponding to different families, in the final text of Familias Macaenses, to be published soon.

1 SOUSA, Dom António Caetano de, História Genealógica da Real Casa Portuguesa, Lisboa, 1745, vol. 11, p. 624.

2 ARNAUT, Salvador Dias, A Batalha de Trancoso, Coimbra, 1947.

3 SOUSA, Dom António Caetano de, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 2.

4 ARNAUT, Salvador Dias, A crise nacional dos fins do século XIV: I- A successão de D. Fernando, Coimbra, Instituto de Estudos Históricos Dr. António de Vasconcelos, 1960, p. 70.

5 Ibidem., p. 216 - Where the author quotes LOPES, Fernão, Crónica de Dom Fernando, chap. 134.

6 All genealogists assert that Dom Fernando was a legitimate son of the Infante Dom João and Dona Maria Teles. However, Salvador Arnaut, based on documents, questions the legitimacy of Dom Fernando, whom he thinks is an illegitimate son of the Infante Dom Fernando. Ibidem., p. 213 - Where the author concludes his reasoning with the following assertion: "We put the question, but we are not able to replace it by a certitude."

7 BRAANCAMP, Freire, Brazões da Sala de Sintra, 2 vols., Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade, 1903, vol. 1, p. 97

8 I wish to make it clear that this Article is not the final version to be printed in the Chapter Eça of the book Famílias Macaenses: it can be subject to changes until the moment it goes to print.

This is not the right place to discuss whether there was a marriage between Dom Pedro and Dona Inês. João das Regras attempted to demonstrate, from the juridical point of view - and because it suited his interests - that there was not. However, the King [Dom Pedro] always affirmed that he had married her. Thus, we comfortably believe in him...

10 FORJAZ, Jorge - MENDES, António, Genealogias da Ilha Terceira, §1, no9: TEIVE - Forthcoming.

11 Ibidem., ORNELAS.

12 Ibidem., TEIVE.

13 Ibidem., CÔRTE-REAL.

14 Ibidem., REGO.

15 Being out of the Kingdom, he married by proxy, Dr. Faustino dos Santos Rebelo, procurator of the Mitra Patriarcal.

16 ANTT: Mercês de Dona Maria I, L. [Bk.] 11, fol. 358.

17 Idem.

18 Dona Maria de Eça, was born ca 1778. Widowed, died in the Parish of Sé, in Macao. Was she a sister of Dom António de Eça?

19 TEIXEIRA, Manuel, Os Militares em Macau, Macau, Imprensa Nacional / Comando Territorial Independente (1976) / Comando das Forças de Segurança (1984), p. 195.

20 MACAENSE, Plutarcho (anon. pseud.), in "A Abelha da China", (39) 12th of June 1823, p. 164.

21 ANTT: Processos de Justificação de Nobreza, 1797, M.33, no2.

22 BAENA, Sanches de, Archivo Heráldico-Genealógico, Lisboa, Typ. Universal, 1872, vol. 1, p. 42, no 156.

23 TEIXEIRA, Manuel Teixeira, op. cit., p. 394.

24 BROCHADO, Costa, Memórias de Costa Brochado, Lisboa, [p. n. n.], 1987, p. 476.

*BA in Library and Archives Science. MA in History from the Universidade do Porto (University of Oporto), Oporto. Assessor at the Public Library and Archives of Angra do Heroísmo (Azores). Director of the Museum of Angra. Former Director of the International Music Festival of Macao. Author of several works on Genealogy and History. Currently preparing a Genealogical History of the Island of Terceira (5 vols.), and a Genealogical History of Macao Families. Member of the Instituto Português de Heráldica (Portuguese Institute of Heraldics), Instituto Histórico da Ilha Terceira (Historical Institute of the Island of Terceira) and Instituto Açoriano de Cultura (Cultural Institute of the Azores). Knight of the Order of the Holy Tomb of Jerusalem.

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