

Jorge Arrimar*


This Paper will broach the theme Sources of the History of Macao. I will evaluate these Sources and make passing reference to a number of the factors linked to either the disappearance or appearance of some of them. Subsequently, I will point out the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources available in the Biblioteca Central de Macau (Central Library of Macao) [BCM] and in the Arquivo Histórico de Macau (Historical Archive of Macao) [AHM], these being the two Macanese Bodies specializing in such holdings, and the technical handling and circulation of them.


Despite the fact that its History goes back many centuries, Macao is a relatively poor Territory as regards both Primary and Secondary Historical Sources. A crossing point for missionaries, Ambassadors, traders and travellers from Europe who sought out these parts; one of the most important emporia in the Orient; the site of many churches, convents and colleges and of the first European-style University in the Far East: in spite of this rich and singular past, we are obliged to point out that the Historical Sources available here in the Territory are few and far between, especially those referring to its early Period, in other words, prior to the eighteenth century. Incumbent upon the AHM are the compiling, holding and handling of Documents that across the centuries were dispersed among various Macanese Institutions. The new Archive was created by the Decree-Law no 27/79/M, of the 28th of September 1979, and came to replace the earlier time-worn Arquivo Geral de Macau (General Archive of Macau), founded in 1952. In view of the four-hundred years of Macanese History, this is a very late date for the founding of an Institution of this kind, so crucial to the preservation, technical handling and circulation of Documents referring to the History of Macao.

Of the nearly one-million Documents included in the depositories of the AHM, belonging to various nuclei or holdings and Collections that proceed from various public and private Bodies of the Territory, the holdings of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia (Misericordy) and the Leal Senado (Senate) are a cut above the rest in terms of age. The holdings of the Misericórdia, with a total of three-hundred-and-fifty-eight Archival items (Folders, Packets, Codices, Procedures, etc.), include the two oldest extant items in the AHM; namely, two Codices from the end of the fifteenth century comprising Manuscript copies of Records of Charters, Letters and Privileges granted to the Misericórdia, the earliest dated at 1459. In terms of age, there are another five books of manuscript copies from the sixteenth century, the earliest dated at 1592. The oldest Document in the holdings of the Arquivo do Leal Senado (Archive of the Senate) is from the seventeenth century, 1630 being the earliest date. By way of corroborating the observations made above with respect to the shortage of extant Sources in the Territory, let me quote on this holding Dr. Isaú Santos, to whom fell the task of compiling the present AHM:

"We know that, unfortunately, most of the Documents of the Leal Senado Archive were destroyed, disappeared or allowed to deteriorate through human negligence and ill-will."

With further reference to the Documents belonging to the Arquivo do Leal Senado, it is worth recalling here that these Documents constituted the source from whence Fr. José de Jesus Maria drew the greater part of the information he employed to compose, "between the Years 1740 and 1745", his paramount work, the Azia Sinica e Japonica. Untraceable for many years, it was located by João Feliciano Marques Pereira, in 1889, in a Manuscript of three-hundred-and-fifty-one pages of text together with another sixteen comprising the fly-leaves, frontispiece and index. The work deals with the History of Macao, from its inception, until 1745. As Fr. Videira Pires correctly asserted in the Preface to the Second Edition of the work, of particular Historical interest is:

"[...] the Eigth Book of the Second Volume, pages 76 to 97, and the Documents of the oldest Codices of the former nucleus of the Leal Senado that were destroyed by bad weather and insects, but to which the author still had access."

The old Documents of the Leal Senado were also used by an anonymous researcher in Macao when writing the famous Colecção de varios factos acontecidos nesta mui nobre Cidade de Macau pelo decurso dos annos, which was: "Dada a luz no annno de 1794" ("Born in the year 1794"), as stated in the frontespiece. It contains a short chronological list of some of the dates bearing upon Macanese History, between 1553 and 1748, and was the object of study by the Macanese researcher José Maria Braga. It was published, in 1964, in the "Boletim Eclesiástico da Diocese de Macau" ("Ecclesiastic Bulletin of the Diocese of Macao").

The Jesuits were the first religious Order to establish themselves in Macao and at an early date began important editing activities in the Territory. It was they who introduced the movable type printing press to the East, first in Goa, in 1556, and subsequently in Macao, more precisely, in the College annex to the magnificent church of S. Paulo (St. Paul's), in the year 1588.

On the 28th of July of that same year, Fr. Alessandro Valignano arrived from Goa bringing the printing press with him. Ten years earlier, on the 6th of September 1578, the Visitor of the Jesuit Missions in the Indies had disembarked in Macao, for the first time, with the intention of spreading the Gospel across vast China and Japan. From Macao, on the 1 st of December 1578, he wrote the following to the Archbp. of Evora, Dom Teodósio de Bragança:

"I have sent for the printing press I am taking it with me to Japan in order to print for ourselves the books that have been purged and censored there and that are befitting to Japan."

"Boletim Eclesiastico da Diocese de Macau", Julho [July] e 1938, Ano [Year] XXXVI - Número [Number] 412 (81 pgs. il. 24cm.).

When he arrived in Macao, in the summer of 1588, on the way of transporting the important printing press to Japan, Valignano was told that the Shogun Taikossama had Decreed the expulsion of the missionaries and the prohibition of Christian worship the previous year. On account of this, the printing press intended for Japan remained for some time in Macao (between 1588 and 1590), a turn of events that led to a number of books being stamped here, works that today are genuine Bibliographic rarities. With the aid of a printing press of its own and by dint of the books that were eventually reaching these remote parts of the globe, the Library of St. Pau's College steadily grew until it became, with that of Goa, one of the most well-supplied Libraries in the Orient, as far as European books were concerned. The first works printed in Macao were stored in that Library, and although their contents are not a repertoire of the Territory's Historical Sources, they are very important from a Bibliographic viewpoint and form part of the printing History of Macao. The fact that there are no longer any extant copies of these books in the Territory is an example of the gradual disappearance of Primary Documents from these lands in the course of time. I will make a brief reference to the most fundamental, beginning with the oldest:

•BONIFÁCIO, João, Christiani pueri institutio adolescentiœ que perfugium, Macau, Societatis Iesu, 1588.

The Macao edition contains small emendations throughout the text and is preceded by the Salamanca edition (1575) and the Cordoba edition (1578); the Burgos edition (1588) is of the same year as that of Macao. It was reprinted under Valignano's supervision. The book contains two-hundred-and-fifty-two folia, and there is only one known copy of it, kept in the Biblioteca da Ajuda (Library of the Royal Palace of Ajuda) [AJ], in Lisbon.

De Missione Legatorvm Iaponensium ad Romanum curiam, rebusq; in Europa, ac toto itinere arrimadversis Dialogvs ex Ephemeride Ipsorvm Legatorvum Collectvs; [...], In Macaensi portu Sinici in domo Societatis Iesv cum facultate Ordinarij, & Superiorum, 1590.

The Macao edition of this work went to press in 1589 and was completed in 1590. Presently, there are only twelve copies of this edition. The original is that of Alessandro Valignano, revised on the basis of the tales and descriptions related to him by the four envoys of the Quiuxu daimios and their companions; Fr. Eduardo de Sande having perfected his Latin, as Josef Schuette observed. Eduardo de Sande states in the Preface that this work was to be translated into Japanese, and this seems to have been the case given that Fr. Daniele Bartoli affirms that one thousand copies, in Japanese, were distributed in Japan.

In 1862, a summary of De Missione Legatorum was published in the "Arquivo Pitoresco", in Lisbon; a facsimile being later published in Japan. In 1961, it was reedited, in Macao, with a Preface by Fr. Videira Pires and Notes by José Maria Braga. Many other works on this Embassy exist, as can be seen in the Bibliography contained in the Notes of Manuel Teixeira' s IV Centenary of the Printing in Macau [See: Bibliography].

RODRIGUES, João, Arte Breve da Língoa Iapoa tirada da Arte Grande da mesma lingoa para os que começam a aprender os primeiros principíos della [...], Em Amacao no Collegio da Madre de Deos da Companmhia de Iesv, 1615.

Only one-hundred copies of this book were originally printed. Presently, only the whereabouts of two copies are known, those being in the School of African and Oriental Studies [SOAS], in London and in the AJ, in Lisbon. According to Prof. Hino Hiroshi, the books, mentioned by José Maria Braga, extant in the Archive of the Convent of S. Domingos and in University of S. Tomás (St. Thomas), both in Manila, as original volumes of the Arte Breve are of a different work.

Given that it was supplied with all these titles and many others that came from the printing houses of Goa, the Portuguese Home Kingdom and other Countries, the Library of St. Paul's College was an important Library at the time. In 1746, Br. João Álvares, a Macanese citizen tells us that it had a veritable treasure of four-thousand-two-hundred books and was situated in a large hall adjacent to the courtyard of the Seminary.

BRAZÃO, Eduardo, Macau: Cidade Do Nome De /Deus Na China/Não Há Outra Mais Leal, Macau, Agência Geral do Ultramar, 1957-1st Edition(267 pgs. il. 24cm.).

In addition to the Library, there was a well supplied Archive whose Documents were copied by João Álvares. The Jesuits had been established in Macao since 1565, and when the persecution initiated by the Marquis of Pombal against the Society of Jesus began to have repercussions in the Territory, it was João Álvares who, after copying with supreme patience the extant Documents in the College, subsequently put all the Codices into chests and sent them to Manila, from whence they were dispatched to Madrid. It was a providential move, since otherwise everything would have perished in the immense blaze of 1835 that destroyed for all time the majestic church of the Mãe de Deus (Holy Mother of God). Extant copies from this Archive are to be found in the Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa (Lisbon National Library) [BNL] and the Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino (Overseas Historical Archive) [AHU], both in Lisbon, and in the Jesuítas na Ásia Collection of the AJ.

Many and varied were the manners in which the valuable Documents of Macao gradually disappeared and we come upon many and varied tidings of these selfsame Documents. In one of his numerous works: A Voz do Passado, that tireless researcher of Macanese History, José Maria Braga, refers to the rediscovery of an old Manuscript entitled: Colecção de vários factos acontecidos nesta mui nobre Cidade de Macau pelo decurso dos annos which, as with "the many that refer to Macao [...] are to be found in the Archives of Portugal," as has already been stated here with regard to the Documents of the Leal Senado. The oldest known reference to this Manuscript is by João Feliciano Marques Pereira, in a series of studies written and collected by him, in Lisbon, between 1899 and 1904, and subsequently published under the title Ta-Ssi-Yang-Kuo [...]. 8 Marques Pereira points this fact out, affirming that his father, António Feliciano Marques Pereira, possessed two copies of this Manuscript and used them to write his Ephemerides commemorativas da História de Macau, published in Macao, in 1868. As regards the original Manuscript, these researchers all agree that it must have been stored in the Arquivo do Leal Senado.

J. F. Marques Pereira also mentions another religious Manuscript referring to Macao and dealing with a Period in its History (between 1644 and 1702) that presents particular research problems since there have always been many difficulties surrounding Macanese sources from the last half of the seventeenth century. The said Manuscript was written by Fr. Luís da Gama S. J. and dated from between 1665-and 1671. According to Marques Pereira, the Manuscript reached his hands via a friend and writer, Augusto Ribeiro, who had acquired it in an auction, "one of the many held in those parts [Macao], where genuinely priceless Collections are broken up and end up in foreign hands or in those of national vandals who do not have a clue about their true value."

The Swedish citizen Anders Ljungstedt, who lived in Macao between 1813 and 1835, had his An Historical Sketch of the Portuguese Settlements in China [...] published in 1836, the year following his death. This work was one of the Secondary Sources most widely used by future Historians of Macao. Ljungstedt work created a polemic across the years on account of his having taken certain positions with regard to this Territory that were not always in accordance with Official Thesis, or at least, which were not the most favoured views among Portuguese historians.

De Missione Legatorum Iaponen ∫ium ad Romanam curiam rebu∫q in Europa, ac toto itinere animaduer ∫is. Dialogus [...], In Macaen∫i portu Sinici regni in domo Societatis IESV cum facultate Ordinarij, & Superiorum, 1590 ([12], 412, [32] pgs. il. 22cm.).

Nearly a century later, Montalto de Jesus published his important study on Macau, entitled Historic Macao (1902), the work of the Swedish historian being amply cited there. The same would come to pass among other researchers from then on. It is worth recalling that, on the 16th of September 1804, Bp. Dom Joaquim de Sousa Saraiva was to settle in Macao and with the help of his Archives he set about fervently compiling material with the intention of writing a History of Macao,... an intention that was never realized since the Bishop passed away in 1819. According to Ljungstedt's own testimony, his contact with the Bishop made it possible for him to complete the data that the latter had previously assembled. Ljungstedt was thus able to scrutinize many important Documents that were in the possession of the Cleric, facilitating the preparation of the book that was edited, in Boston, in 1836, containing a section first published in Macao, in 1832. Towards the end of the Preface to his book. Ljungstedt mentions Dom Joaquim Saraiva, stating that:

"[...] during his stay in Macao, he went to great lengths to salvage interesting Documents about Macao. However, material that had survived centuries was in a sorry shape, disfigured, mutilated, eaten by insects, and much of it had turned to dust."

The author concludes his Preface by affirming that one would never find the original Documents in the Arquivos do Leal Senado.

The Documents of Macao would continue to disappear for years to come. In 1851 or 1852, it came to the notice of the Government of Macao that someone in Portugal would be interested in writing a History of Macao. News of this reached the ears of the Comendador Lourenço Marques, then proprietor of the Gruta de Camões (Camoens Grotto), who proceeded to pack three chests with Documents in his possession referring to this Territory, amongst which figured some referring to the poet Luís de Camões. These chests he submitted to the Government of Macao, who sent them forthwith to Lisbon as an indispensable contribution to the writing of the intended work.

Years went by, the History was not published and there was no word of the Documents. The Comendador, as owner of the Documents, asked Lisbon to return them to him, since they were not being used to bring about their intended goal. The reply came that the chests with their respective Documents had completely gone astray.

Some time later, in a letter dated the 10th of July 1883 and signed by José Alberto Corte Real, Secretary-General of the Government of Macao and addressed to the President of the Senate, one may read the following:

"There must exist in Lisbon priceless Documents, some of which were bought by the Ministério da Marinha (Maritime Ministry) in 1875, belonging to the bookshop of the deceased José Torres, and I do not know if these form part of those that were sent to Lisbon in the past by Comendador Lourenço Marques, for which there is no known date and whose whereabouts are unknown."

The Arquivo da Câmara Eclesiástica (Archive of the Ecclesiastic Chamber) was gradually destroyed and the Arquivo da Secretaria do Governo (Archive of the Secretary of the Government) suffered flood damage in the typhoon of 1874, wreaking major damage on the older materials.

BRAGA, Jack M., A Voz do Passado: Redescoberta de / A Colecção De Varios Factos Acontecidos Nesta / Mui Nobre Cidade De Macao, Macau, Edição do Boletim Eclesiástico da Diocese/Tipografia da Missão do Padroado, 1964 -- 1st Edition(78 pgs., 20cm.).

In 1884, the Territory of Macao became an Administrative Body separate from the Portuguese State of India, assuming the status of an Autonomous Province embracing the islands Timor and Solor. It must not be forgotten that up to that date much original Documentation of Historic value pertaining to Macao was sent to Goa, where it is still held in the Arquivo Histórico (Historical Archive).

More recently, the Arquivo do Leal Senado and the facilities of the BCM (ie: The Biblioteca do Leal Senado (Library of the Senate [BLS]), which are situated in the Great Hall of that venerable Institution, were the target of pillaging and destruction at the hands of dozens of rioters during the disturbances of 1966, locally known as "1,2,3". Many Documents were thrown into the streets through the windows of the Leal Senado and many suffered damage as a result. Mgr. Manuel Teixeira says that nearly one third of the Manuscripts kept there were destroyed during these disturbances.

In conclusion, one can say that Macao does not possess the repositories essential for its History, to wit, Documents that in the course of the centuries the people and Institutions that form Macao have gradually carved up, Documents that constitute its Historical Sources. Nearly all were eventually lost, either because they were taken abroad, or as a result of the negligence they suffered, or finally on account of the inclemency of the weather and the voracity of the white ant.


What follows is a list, sometimes with commentaries, of the main works written in European languages included in the holdings of the Biblioteca Central de Macau and the Arquivo Histórico de Macau.



In this Room, readers specifically interested in the History of the expansion and settlement of the Portuguese in the Orient will find the most important thematic Documentary resources of the BCM. Worth mentionting is an outstanding translation into [Portuguese] by Luís Gonzaga Gomes of Ou Mun Kei Leok [Aomen Jilue] (Monograph of Macao), a literary narrative central to the understanding of eighteenth century Macao, particularly, considering that most of the text of its original edition was written by two Chinese Magistrates, and therefore takes a non-Portuguese viewpoint.

Follows a selective Bibliography of important books and authors in relation to the History of the expansion and settlement of the Portuguese in the Far East.

•BRAGA, José Maria -- Offprints of more than seventy Papers, published in various Macanese Periodicals, such as the "Boletim Eclesiástico da Diocese de Macau", "Mosaico" and "Renascimento". [See: BRAGA, in Bibliography].

•BOXER, Charles Ralph -- There are various studies by this major researcher of the Portuguese expansion, namely:

•Seventeenth Century Macau in Contemporary Documents and Illustrations, Hong Kong, Heineman Educational Books, 1984.

Ásia Portuguesa no tempo do Vice-Rei Conde da Ericeira: 1718-1720, Macau, Imprensa Nacional, 1970.

LJUNGSTEDT, Anders, An / Historical Sketch / Of The / Portuguese Settlements / In / China: / And Of The / Roman Catholic Church and Mission in China/By Sir Andrew Ljungstedt / Knight of the Swedish Royal Order Waza. / A Supplementary Chapter, / Description Of The City Of Canton., Hong Kong. Viking Hong Kong Publications, 1992 -- Reprint of the 1st Edition: Boston, James Monroe & Co., 1836 (280 pgs. 3 maps 21cm.).

The Great Ship from Amacon, Lisboa, Centro de Estudos Históricos Ultramarinos, 1963 (Portuguese edition, Fundação Oriente - Centro de Estudos Marítimos, Macau, 1989).

The Portuguese Padroado in East Asia and the Problem of the Chinese Rites. Macau, Imprensa Nacional, 1948.

These works are to be shortly republished, part of Boxer's anthology Obras Completas (Complete Works), in the process of being re-edited by the Fundação Oriente (Orient Foundation) [See: BOX-ER, in Bibliography].

•BARBOSA, Duarte, MACHADO, Augusto Reis, intro. and notes, Livro em que se dá relação do que viu e ouviu no Oriente, Lisboa, Agência Geral do Ultramar, 1928.

•BOCARRO, António, Livro das Plantas de todas as Fortalezas, Cidades e Povoações do Estado da Índia Oriental, 2vols., Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional - Câmara Municipal, 1992.

•BRAZÃO, Eduardo, Em demanda do Cataio: a viagem de Bento de Goes a China: 1603-1607, Lisboa, Agência Geral das Colónias, 1954.

The Embassy of Manuel de Saldanha to China in 1667-1670 [...], Macau, Imprensa Nacional, 1948.

•COLOMBAN, Eudore de [pseudonym of Fr. Régis Gervaix], Resumo da História de Macau, Macau, Tipografia Mandarim, 1980 (reprint of the 1st edition, Macau, Tipografia da Imaculada Conceição, 1927).

•FRANÇA, Bento de, Subsídios para a História de Macau, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1888.

•GOMES, Artur Levy, Esboço da História de Macau, 1511-1849, Macau, Tipografia Soi Sang Printing Press, 1957

•GOMES, Luís Gonzaga--Various works of his were printed in Periodicals, largely in the monthlys "Renascimento" and "Mosaico" (trilingual), in the illustrated weekly "Notícias de Macau", in the "Revista de Macau" and in the "Boletim do Instituto Luís de Camões".

His Bibliography has been exhaustively dealt with and was systematized in the Bibliographic Catalogue elaborated by the BCM, in 1987. [See: GOMES, in Bibliography].

•GOMES, Luís Gonzaga, Efemérides da história de Macau, Macau, Notfcias de Macau, 1954.

•JESUS, Montalto de, Historic Macau: International Traits in China: Old and New, Macao, Salesian Printing Press and Tipografia Mecantil, 1926 (reprint of the 1st edition, Hong Kong, Kelly and Walsh, 1902).

This work is obligatory reading for anyone who wants to dedicate himself to the study of Lusitanian expansion in the Orient and, in particular, to the settling of the Portuguese, in Macao.

The first Portuguese version, since the confiscated revised reprint of 1926, was edited, in Macao, by Livros do Oriente, in September 1990.

•LJUNGSTEDT, Anders, An Historical Sketch of the Portuguese Settlements in China [...], Boston, James Monroe & Co., 1836.

•PEREIRA, AntÓnio F. Marques, Ephemérides Commemorativas da História de Macau, Macau, Typographia de José da Silva, 1868.

•PEREIRA, João F. Marques, comp., Ta-Ssi-Yang-Kuo: Archivos e annaes do Extremo-Oriente Portuguez, 4 vols., Lisboa, Antiga Casa Bertrand-José Bastos, 1899-1904.

JESUS, Carlos Augusto Montalto de, Historic Macao, Hong Kong-New York - Melbourne, Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1984 -- Reprint of the 1st Edition: Macao, Salesian Printing Press and Tipografia Mercantil, 1926 (576 [var.] pgs. il. 24cm.).

•PIRES, Videira, Benjamim -- Author of many research studies listed in the Bibliographic Catalogue under the author's name, edited by the BCM, in 1992. [See: PIRES, in Bibliography].

•PTAK, Roderic -- a German sinologist and researcher of merit, with deep-seated interest in Macao and author of an outstanding Bibliography about the Territory. [See: PTAK, in Bibliography].

•SILVA, Beatriz Basto da, Cronologia da História de Macau, 3 vols., Macau, Departamento dos Serviços de Educação, 1992-1995. -- A work which, above and beyond its annotated comprehensive Macanese Chronology, makes reference to multiple less well-known facts and facets of the History of Macao, from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries.

•TEIXEIRA, Manuel, -- Author of innumerable works, most of which is listed in the Bibliographic Catalogue under the author's name, edited by the BCM, in 1992. [See: TEIXEIRA, in Bibliography].


Many invaluable Bibliographical items can be found in this Library. Apart from its extensive Collection of newspapers from Macao, the oldest one of which, the "Abelha da China", dating back to 1822, important works in this repository for the study of the History of Macao and the presence of the Portuguese in the Orient, are:

•ALBUQUERQUE, Diogo Vieira de Tovar e, Index alfabético cronológico e remissivo das Reais Ordens expedidas pelo Governo do Estado da India, desde o ano de 1586 até ode 1811 [...], Nova Goa, Imprensa Nacional, 1918.

•BARROS, João de, CIDADE, Hernâni, annot., Ásia de João de Barros: dos feitos que os Portugueses fizeram no descobrimento e conquista dos mares e terras do Oriente, 4 vols., Lisboa, Divisão de Publicações da Agência das Colónias,1945 (6th edition, updated).

•BIKER, Júlio F. Júdice, Collecção de trabalhos e concertos de pazes que o Estado da Índia Portuguesa fez com os reis e senhores com quem teve relações nas partes da Ásia e África Oriental, desde o princípio da conquista até ao fim do século XVIII, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1881.

GOMES, Luis Gonzaga, Efemérides / Da / História De Macau, Macau, Notícias de Macau, 1954 -- 1st Edition (268 pgs. 18,5 cm.).

BOXER, Charles Ralph, Fidalgos In The Far East / 1550-1770 / Fact And Fancy In The History Of Macao, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1948 -- 1st Edition (298 pgs. 25cm.).

BOXER, Charles Ralph, Seventeenth Century / Macau / In / Contemporary Documents / and Illustrations, Hong Kong-Kuala Lumpur-Singapore, Heinemann (Asia), 1984 (XII, 214 pgs. il. 26cm.).

• BOCARRO, António, FELNER, Rodrigo José de Lima, dir., Década 13 da História da India. [...], 2 vols., Lisboa, Typographia da Academia Real das Sciencias, 1876.

• CASTANHEDA, Fernão Lopes de, AZEVEDO, Pedro de, rev. and annot., História do Descobrimento e Conquista da Índia pelos portugueses, 4 vols., Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade, 1928.

•CHAGAS, Pinheiro, Os Portugueses na África, Ásia, América e Oceania [...], Lisboa, Livraria de António Maria Pereira, 1899.

•CORTESÃO, Armando, Cartografia e os cartógrafos portugueses dos séculos XV e XVI, Lisboa, Seara Nova, 1935.

•COUTO, Diogo de, Décadas da Ásia, [...], Lisboa, Officina de Domingos Gonsalves, 1736.

•PATO, Raymundo António de Bulhão, dir., Documentos remetidos da Índia ou Livros das Monções [...],5 vols., Lisboa, Typographia da Academia Real das Sciencias, 1884.

SOUSA, Manuel de Faria e, Asia Portugueza, 6 vols., Lisboa, Henrique Valente, 1666-1675.

• TRIGAUTIUS, Nicolaus, Regni Chinensis descriptio EP variis authoribus, LV Batao, Exofficio Elzerviriana, 1639.



Essentially, this is a small but fairly comprehensive Bibliographical Library which has grown from the ex-private Collection of Luís Gonzaga Gomes (° 1907-†1976). The following Bibliographical items are fundamental Secondary Sources for the History of Macao and the Portuguese in the Far East:

•ALVARENGA, Lucas José d', Memória sobre a expedição do Governo de Macao em 1809, e 1810 em socorro ao Império da China [...], Rio de Janeiro, Typographia Imperial e Nacional, 1828.

•ANDRADE, José Ignacio de, Cartas escritas da India e da China nos anos 1815 a 1835, 2 vols., Lisboa, [p. n. n.], 1847.

•AYRES, Christovam, Fernão Mendes Pinto e o Japão: Pontos Controversos -- Discussão -- Informações Novas. [...], Lisboa, Typographia da Academia Real das Sciencias, 1906.

RÊGO. António da Silva, coll. & annot., Documentação / Para A / História Das Missões / Do / Padroado Português / Do / Oriente / Coligida E anotada Por / António da Siva Rêgo / Índia / I° Vol. (1479-1522), Lisboa, Agência Geral das Colónias, 1947 [ 12vols., 1947-1956] -- 1st Edition (473 pgs. 25cm.).

GOMES, Artur Levy, Esboço da História / De Macau / 1511-1849, Macau, Repartição Provincial dos Serviços de Economia e Estatística Geral (Secção de Propaganda e Turismo), 1957 -- 1st Edition (409 pgs. 21,5cm.).

Impressão Confidencial E Reservada / De / Documentos Respeitantes / À / Peninsula de Macau / E / Suas Dependências, Macau, Imprensa Nacional, 1909--1st Edition (237 pgs. 2 desd. [fold-outs] 26cm.).

•BÉRNARD-MAÎTRE, Henri, Aux Portes de la Chine: Les Missionaires du Seizième Siècle, Tientsin, Procuré de la Mission de Sienshien, 1933.

• CALADO, Adelino de Almeida, Livro que trata das cousas da Índia e do Japão. Edição crítica do Código Quinhentista 5381 da Biblioteca Municipal de Elvas, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 1957.

•MAFFEI, Giovan Pietro, Le Historie della Indie Orientali, tradotte di latino in lingua toscana, da M. Francesco, Venetia, Damian Zenarom, 1589.

•ANDRADE, José Ignacio de, Memória dos feitos macaenses contra os pirates da China e da entrada violenta dos Ingleses na cidade de Macao, Lisboa, Typographia Lisbonense, 1835

• SANTARÉM, Visconde de, Memória sobre o estabelecimento de Macau. [...], Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1879.

More recently the AHM acquired the following works that are important study materials for researchers and scholars of the History of Portuguese expansion and settlement in the Orient:

•KIRCHER, Athanasius, La Bonne Foy des Anciens Jesuites missionaires De La Chine sur L'Idolatrie des Chinois dans le culte qu'ils rendent à Confuncius & aux morts, Demontrée Par des extraits fidéles des Livres des RR. Péres Athanase Kirchere, Nicolas Trigaut, Alexandre de Rhodes & autres, envoyés à un ami, avec quelques reflexions ∫ur les nouveauxs ∫entiments des RR. PP. Je∫uites, [t. n. n.], [p. n. n.], [n. d.] (cal700).

•MAIRAN, Jean-Jacques d'Ortous de, Lettres au R. P. Parrenin, Jésuite, Missionnaire à Pékin; contenant diverses questions sur la Chine. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée de divers secules sur diferents matiéres, 8 vols., Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1770.

•LE COMTE, S. J., Memorie Istoriche Della Controver∫ia de' Culti Chinesi;.[...] Con Una Raccolta Di Varie principali Scritture de'Padri della Compagnia di Giesù, e d'Signori mi∫∫ionari del Clero Seco- / lare di Francia, ∫opra la mede∫ima controversia, molte delle queli ∫I danno in luce per la prima volta, In Colonia, [p. n. n.], 1700.

•NOËL, Alexandre, Apologia de Padri Domenicani missionarii della China; [...], 2 parts in 1 vol., Köln, Cornelius von Egmondt Erben, 1699.

•WICKI, Josef, S. J., ed., Documenta Indica [...], in: "Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu", 18 vols., Roma, 1948-1988 -- The History of the Society of Jesus, in India.

PEREIRA, A. Marques, Ephemerides Commemorativas / Da / Historia De Macau / E / Das Relações Da China Com Os Povos Christãos, Macau, Typographia de José da Silva. 1868 -- 1st Edition (135 pgs. 21,5 cm.).

GOMES, Luís Gonzaga, Bibliografia / Macaense, Macau, Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1987--2nd Edition (facsimile): Macau, Imprensa Nacional, 1973 (202 pgs. + 1 desd. [fold-out] 25, 5 cm.).

Catálogo / Dos / Manuscritos de Macau, "Boletim da Filmoteca Ultramarina Portuguesa", Lisboa, 1963, offprint no 25--1st Edition (859, [I] pgs. 25cm.).

•JACOBS, Hubert, S. J., ed. and annot., Documenta Malucensia, 3 vols, Roma, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 1988 -- The History of the Society of Jesus, in the Moluccas Islands, in some parts of India and in Singapore.

•Georgius SCHURHAMMER, Georg Otto, S. J. - WICKI, Josef, S. J., Epistolœ S. Francisci Xavierii Aliaque Ejus Scripta, in "Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu", 2 vols., Roma, 1944-1945.

• JACOBS, Hubert, S. J., ed. and annot., The Jesuit Makasar Documents, 1615-1682, Roma, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 1988 -- The History of the Jesuit in Makassar and Southern Sulawesi (Celebes) and in other Islands of the Sunda Archipelago.

•SCHUETTE, S. J. Introductio ad Historiam Societatis Jesu in Japonia, 1549-1650, Romæ, apud Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 1967--The History of the Society of Jesus, in Japan.

•VALIGNANO, Alessandro, Il Cerimoniale per I Missionari del Giappone, in "Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura", Roma, 1946--The pedagogy which assisted the missionaires in their conversion of the Japanese.


The most recent thematic Series of the "Boletim Bibliográfico de Macau" ("Bibliographic Bulletin of Macao"): Analíticos de Jornais [See: Bibliography] can be taken as a Tertiary Source. Its two volumes were compiled as a data support on the basis of information of the written press, in Macao, extant in the BLS. The Analíticos de Jornais enable an immediate glean to fundamental information on the works and news pertaining to the History of Macao, published in the innumerable pages of the newspapers of this Territory, from 1822, until the middle of our century.

A crucial Tertiary Source is the publication entitled "Arquivos de Macau" ("Archives of Macao") [See: Bibliography], which began between 1929 and 1931, the goal of which was "to make known all the Documents of Historical interest located in the Archives of the Territory of Macao", as stated in the Governmental Regulation no268 of the 27th of April1929. In 1941, the Second Series follows, and after an interval of a few years, reappears in 1964. A new interregnum followed with the founding of the Arquivo Histórico (Historical Archive), in 1979. Two years later a further Series appeared bearing the title:"Arquivos de Macau - Boletim do Arquivo Histórico de Macau" ("Archives of Macau - Bulletin of the Historical Archive of Macau"). In 1991, the no1 Jan/June edition of the new "Boletim do Arquivo Histórico de Macau" ("Bulletin of the Historical Archive of Macao")was published, which includes an inventory of the Archive of the BSL, whose Documents range from 1762 until 1927.

Also of importance are the Bibliographic Catalogues that have been published by the BCM and the AHM, entitled Jesuítas na Ásia, or those that carry out the systematic surveying of the Bibliography of authors relevant to the field of Macanese History, such as: José Maria Braga, Luís Gonzaga Gomes, Fr. Videira Pires, Fr. Silva Rego, Fernando de Lara Reis and Mgr. Manuel Teixeira.

Translated from the Portuguese by: Zoe Copeland

Revised by: Ana Pinto de Almeida


Aomen Jilue 澳门纪略

Da Xi Yang Guo [Ta Ssi Yang Kuo] 大西洋国

Tianjin 天津

Zheng He 郑和


1 "Boletim do Arquivo Histórico de Macau" [5th series] 1 Jan. -June, 1991.

2 FREITAS, Jordão de, A Imprensa de Tipos Móveis em Macau e no Japão nos fins do século XVI, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade, 1916.

3 TEIXEIRA, Manuel, IVth Centenary of the Printing in Macau, Macau, "RC - Review of Culture" (English Edition), 6 July/Aug. /Sep., 1988, pp. 3-10.

4 BRAGA, Jack [José Maria], Primórdios da Imprensa em Macau, in "Boletim Eclesiástico da Diocese de Macau", Macau, LXIII (726) Dez. 1964; pp. 967-998, LXIV (727) Jan. 1965, pp. 50-83; LXIV (728) Feb. 1965, pp. 166-195; LXIV (729) March 1965, pp. 251-270.

5 SANTOS, Domingos M. Gomes dos, Macau - Primeira Universidade Ocidental do Extremo Oriente, offprint from ANAIS of "Academia Portuguesa da História", Lisboa, 17 (2) 1968, p.106.

6 LJUNGSTEDT, Anders, An Historical Sketch of the Portuguese Settlements in China; [...], Hong Kong, Viking Hong Kong Publications, 1992.

7 In 1762, the Marquis de Pombal Edicts reached the Macanese Jesuits. In 1773, the Pope abolished the Society of Jesus.

8 PEREIRA, João F. Marques, Ta-Ssi-Yang-Kuo: Archivos e annaes do Extremo Oriente Portuguez, 4 vols., Lisboa, Antiga Casa Bertrand - José Bastos, 1899-1904.

* BA in History. Authority on Documentation. Director of the Central Library of Macao.

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