Department of Public Library Management

1. The Department of Public Library Management is responsible for:

1) Conducting studies and implementing the policy for the development of the public libraries of the MSAR;

2) Ensuring the integrated management of the Macao Central Library, as well as of the public and specialized libraries under the supervision of the Cultural Affairs Bureau;

3) Promoting and implementing the adaptation of specific library methodologies to technological development;

4) Providing training for the staff of public libraries;

5) Setting up programmes for the preservation and conservation of books and documents contained in the archive of public libraries, and developing activities for such programmes;

6) Implementing the legal deposit scheme;

7) Planning and managing the allocation of international standard book numbers;

8) Planning and managing the regional and international exchange of publications;

9) Planning the development of services provided by public libraries;

10) Coordinating and mobilizing the resources of public libraries;

11) Drawing up a plan for the promotion of reading aimed at the general public;

12) Planning and promoting cooperation and exchange between libraries.

2. The Department of Public Library Management comprises the Division for Developing Bibliographic Resources and the Division of Reader Services and Promotion.

3. The operating rules of public libraries are established by internal regulations, approved by Order of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, to be published in the Official Gazette of the Macao Special Administrative Region.

Department of Public Library Management, No. 3, St. Augustine's Square, Macao
Tel: (853) 2893 0077, 2837 7117, 2893 0966
Fax: (853) 2831 4456


Division for Developing Bibliographic Resources

The Division for Developing Bibliographic Resources is responsible for:

1) Planning the development and use of bibliographic and documentary resources;

2) Organising and managing documentary resources related to Macao and special collections;

3) Promoting the acquisition, supply, exchange, attainment, cataloging, management and maintenance of bibliographic and documentary resources of various types of formats;

4) Organising and coordinating the restoration of books and documents contained in the library archives;

5) Promoting cooperation between libraries within the field of bibliographic and documentary resources.


Division of Reader Services and Promotion

The Division of Reader Services and Promotion is responsible for:

1) Ensuring the provision and promotion of readers’ services at the Macao Central Library as well as public and specialized libraries;

2) Coordinating the collection, maintenance and circulation of the bibliographic resources of the Macao Central Library and of public and specialized libraries;

3) Promoting reading among the public;

4) Ensuring the provision of external services and the management of voluntary services at the public libraries under the supervision of the Cultural Affairs Bureau;

5) Promoting cooperation between libraries in the provision of readers’ services and related areas.