Saturday, April 27, 2013 20:00
St. Dominic's Church
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Wagner: “Good Friday Spell” from Parsifal
Brahms: Variations on a Theme of Joseph Haydn, Op. 56a
Kodály: Variations on a Hungarian Folksong “The Peacock”
David Wroe, Conductor
The mark of a great composer is often revealed through his or her technical abilities to transform one memorable theme, spinning this one motif into endless arrays of variations and unexpected instrumental possibilities. Please join the Macao Orchestra in welcoming guest conductor David as they explore the great symphonic variations of Brahms and Kodály. See if you can follow the transformation of the main tunes as the Macao musicians turn them upside down and inside out per the composers’ masterful whims.
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(Tickets will be distributed one hour before the performance at the concert venue. Distribution is limited to a maximum of 2 tickets per person.)