Macao Kaifong Chinese Opera Troupe

The Adventures of Na Tcha in the Eastern Sea – Cantonese Opera for Children

19 - 20/5/2007     Cinema Alegria     60

In this mythological Cantonese opera for children, the fine line between life and death is crossed in the pursuit of justice. A special place for Chinese Opera in Macao, Alegria Cinema hosts the Kaifong (General Union of Neighbours Association of Macao) Chinese Opera Troupe, probably the largest local amateur opera association. These dedicated performers will be rewarded with children’s applause in yet another festival season.

Na Tcha sacrifices his life to save the innocent from the wrath of the Dragon King. He is not ready to leave the mortal world behind, and in a dream, he asks his mother to build him a temple, so that he might revive after three years of worship there. His father burns it down, but fortunately, with the help of Taiyi the Immortal, who rebuilds Na Tcha’s body with lotus roots, he finally returns to the living and seeks for revenge.

Duration: approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes, including one interval