IC launches QR Code for “Cultural and Creative Venues.Works of Literature”
15/12/2015The Cultural Affairs Bureau has recently launched the QR Code for “Cultural and Creative Venues.Works of Literature” to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Inscription of “The Historic Centre of Macao” on World Heritage List. The Bureau has installed a QR code sign on each of the bronze information boards of the city’s World Heritage sites and plazas, except in Mandarin’s House and “Leal Senado” Building which are still under the construction and will be installed with QR code sign later. Public can scan the QR code with their mobile devices in order to link to the corresponding website, where they can get general information about cultural and creative venues nearby. The website also offers Chinese and Portuguese literary masterpieces and poems about most of the scenic spots.
The website linked to the QR Code for “Cultural and Creative Venues.Works of Literature” is separated into two parts: “Cultural and Creative Venues” and “Works of Literature”. The “Cultural and Creative Venues” mainly offers an overview of the cultural and creative venues in the vicinity of the World Heritage sites and their locations. Users may click the name of the venue to access basic information such as the venue’s brief introduction, address, telephone number, website and opening hours. “Works of Literature” provides a collection of renowned literary quotes and poems relevant to the tourist attractions. The QR code enables residents and tourists to explore the city and the nearby cultural and creative venues through a convenient platform, and deepen their understanding of local original brands and products. It not only helps to enhance the promotion of Macao’s cultural and creative industries, but also helps to widen the public’s knowledge about Macao’s World Heritage sites. Local literature can then be widely known to the public.