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The “Parade through Macao, Latin City” is a cultural event that unfolds as a procession through the streets of Macao. Created in 2011, the Parade is held annually in December to mark the anniversary of Macao’s Handover to China. Every year, several foreign performing groups as well as hundreds of talented local artists are invited to be creative participants. They lead the residents and tourists on this adventure through Macao’s streets and alleyways and bring songs and dances to the city’s historical quarters. The Parade, which highlights Macao’s unique cultural features and the City’s multicultural atmosphere, culminates in a grand joint performance in which the artists present dazzlingly colourful performances, bringing the celebration of this joyous occasion to a vivid climax.

The storyline of this edition of the Parade is about VIVA, the Parade’s mascot, making mysterious alien friends and helping them. The aliens will be going through the Historic Center of Macao looking for possible ways to save their planet. Definitely an exhilarating and exciting adventure!

The “Parade through Macao, Latin City” is organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau and co-organised by several other governmental departments, with valuable support from various other organisations, bringing the whole community together.

Parade Route

Ruins of St. Paul’s →Rua de S. Paulo → St. Anthony’s Square →Rua de D. Belchior Carneiro → Rua dos Artilheiros → Rua de Sanches de Miranda  → Calcada da Igreja de S. Lazaro →Old Ladies’House (Albergue) → Rua de S. Roque →Rua Nova de S. Lazaro  → St. Lazarus Church →Rua do Volong → Rua do Tap Siac → Rua de Afonso de Albuquerque →Tap Seac Square

Opening Ceremony – Interstellar Journey 4:00pm
Ruins of St. Paul’s
Flying kites and handbell melodies send forth vitality and enthusiasm to the sky! VIVA joyously celebrates Macao’s Handover to China with the public.

Latin Face Painting    2:00pm
St. Anthony’s Square, Rua de Sanches de Miranda, St. Lazarus Church
Let’s paint our faces for the interstellar party! This year, doll up your face with colours by Parade artists for free.

Closing Ceremony  ‘Love, Peace and Cultural Integration’ –Grand Joint Performance    6:00pm
Tap Seac Square
Aliens land on Tap Seac Square in their UFOs! Performing groups showcase their talent to celebrate Macao’s Handover to China, attracting aliens from distant places to join the fun. In this grand event, giant floating puppets from France, passionate drum music from Taiwan, the Maogusi dances of the Tujia ethnic group from Shanxi Province, Portuguese folk dance, juggling acts, and fantastic giant puppets, amongst others… warmly welcome the aliens, inviting them to enjoy the fun and showing the colours of life!


Foreign Groups and Local Groups

Performing Groups

Participating local groups

  1. 澳門廣東音樂聯誼會
    Associação de Amizade da Música de Canton de Macau
  2. 澳門道和粵劇曲藝會
    Associação de Ópera Chinesa“Dao He”de Macau
  3. 火鳳凰文化藝術協會
    Flaming Phoenix Culture & Arts Association
  4. 澳門春蘭曲藝會
    Associação de Música Chon Lan de Macau
    Chon Lan Music Association of Macau
  5. 澳門工會聯合總會
    Federação das Associações dos Operários de Macau
    Macao Federation of Trade Unions
  6. 澳門爵士樂推廣協會
    Macau Jazz Promotion Association
  7. 澳門青年交響樂團協會
    Associação Orquestra Sinfónica Jovem de Macau
    Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra Association
  8. 澳門手鈴協會
    Macao Handbells Association
  9. 詩篇舞集
    Stella e Artistas
    Stella & Artists
  10. 蔚青舞蹈團
    Associação de Dançarinos Regina
    Regina’s Dance Group
  11. 紫羅蘭舞蹈團
    Associaçao de Dança Violeta
    Violet Dancing Association
  12. 英姿舞園
    Associação de Dança - Ieng Chi
  13. 澳門印度文化與健康協會
    Associação Cultural Indiana e Saúde de Macau
    Indian Cultural and Health Association of Macau
  14. 澳門印度文化協會
    Indian Culture Association of Macau
  15. 澳門歌舞團
    Grupo de Danças e Cantares de Macau
  16. “伴”葡萄牙土風歌舞文化協會
    Associação Cultural de Danças Folclóricas e de Cantares Portugueses de Macau “Sempre Contigo”
  17. 心在澳門葡萄牙土風舞蹈協會
    Associação de Danças e Cantares Portugueses “Macau no Coração”
  18. 澳門街舞藝術文化促進會
    Associação Promoção da Cultura e Arte de Dança de Rua de Macau
    Street Dance Culture and Art Promotion Association of Macau
  19. 澳門青年藝能志願工作會
    Macao Youth Artistic Ability Volunteer Association
  20. 澳門街舞會
    Association of Macau Street Dance
  21. 澳門國際街舞會
    Associação Internacional de Dança de Rua de Macau
    Macao International Street Dance Association
  22. 澳門舞者工作室
    The Dancer Studio Macao
  23. 澳門流行歌舞協會
    Associação de Dança de Música Pop de Macau
  24. 澳門國際肚皮舞學會
    Associação Internacional de Dança de Barriga de Macau
    Macau International Belly Dance Association
  25. 澳門國際東方舞協會
    Associação Internacional de Dança Oriental de Macau
    Macau International Association of Oriental Dance
  26. 澳門體育舞蹈總會
    Associação Geral de Dança Desportiva de Macau
    Macau Dance Sport Federation
  27. 隨緣音樂協會
    Associação de Música “Sui Yuen”
  28. 澳門巴西戰舞體育文化協會
    Associação Desportiva e Cultural de Capoeira de Macau
    Capoeira Sports and Cultural Association of Macau
  29. 澳門民樂團
    Banda de Música Folclórica de Macau
  30. 澳門鮮魚行總會
    Associação dos Comerciantes de Peixe Fresco de Macau
    Ou Mun Sin U Hong Chong Wui
  31. 中國澳門排排舞總會
    Associação Geral de Dança em Linha de Macau, China
    Line Dance General Association of Macau, China
  32. 澳門緬華互助會
    Associação de Ajuda Mútua dos Chineses Ultramarinos da Birmânia em Macau
    Macau Association of Mutual Help of Myanmar Overseas Chinese
  33. 西方排舞舞蹈社
    West Line Dance Association
  34. 澳門宿霧耶穌聖嬰協會
    Associação do Santo Niño de Cebu em Macau
    Santo Nino de Cebu  in Macau Association
  35. 濠江中學步操旗樂隊
    Banda Musical de Marcha da Escola Hou Kong
    Hou Kong Secondary School Marching Band
  36. 魔術之都魔術師協會(澳門)
    Cidade de Magia Associação dos Mágicos (Macau)
  37. 浪風劇社
    Associação de Teatro Long Fung
    Long Fung Drama Club
  38. 澳門南北武術學會
    Associação de Artes Marciais de Norte e Sul de Macau
    North – South Martial Arts Training Center of Macau
  39. 人力車之友
    Clube dos Amigos do Riquexó
  40. 澳門扶康會
    Associação de Reabilitação“Fu Hong”de Macau
    Fu Hong Society of Macau
  41. 創新中學
    Escola Secundária Millennium
    Millennium Secondary School
  42. 澳門管弦樂隊
    Orquestra Filarmónica de Macau
    The Macao Philharmonic Orchestra
  43. 澳門葡人之家協會
    Casa de Portugal em Macau
    Macau «Casa de Portugal» Association
  44. 澳門內家拳研究會
    Associação de Ginástica Nói Ka Kun de Macau
    Ou Mun Nói Ka Kun In Kao Vui

Participating groups from China

  1. 《土家族毛古斯》舞蹈表演團
    Hunan province, Yongshun County, Tujia Mao Guzi Dance Group

Participating groups from Hong Kong

  1. 快樂小丑王
    Palhaços Felizes 
  2. Happy Clowns
  3. 奇想偶戲劇團
    Fantasy Puppet Theatre

Participating groups from Taiwan

  1. 原舞者
    The Formosa Indigenous Song & Dance Troupe

Participating groups from Southeast Asia

  1. 印尼索羅紅蠟染布團
    Red Batik Solo Community

Participating Romance-language countries

  1. 阿根廷太陽民族舞團
    Grupo Folclórico Sol Argentino
    Group Folklore Sun Argentina

  2. 拉丁巡遊隊 (巴西、古巴、多明尼加共和國、厄瓜多爾、意大利、巴拿馬及委內瑞拉)
    Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Italy, Panama, Venezuela

  3. 法國面具俠
    Les Monts Rieurs

  4. 法國飛行異人
    Plasticiens Volants

  5. 西班牙加那利群島Batucada Villa Pipol大樂隊
    Batucada Villa Pipol

  6. 西班牙的嘎哩康多劇團
    Cal y Canto Teatro



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