Band Intro Background Band Intro Background

Event Lineup

Event Lineup

Former Barra Slaughterhouse Site

Former Barra Slaughterhouse Site

Preview Tutor Background
Yoga Tutors Intro Background

Tutors Introduction

Prelude event Background Prelude event Background
Art Device Background
Hush! Market Background
Partnership Background

Souvenir Partner

Brand Collaboration Background
hush!300 Background hush!300 Bear

“hush! 300 seconds”
Short Video Competition

In response to the vision of promoting the development of music in Macao, both professional and amateur musicians can use the hush! 300 Seconds Short Video Competition as a platform to show the world the possibilities of music in the most easily shareable format. Participants of all ages and experience can shoot a video of themselves playing music or interpreting a song and win various prizes! Participants of all ages and experience can shoot a film of themselves playing music or interpreting a song and win various prizes.

Transportation Arrangements

To facilitate access to Hac-Sa Beach, free shuttle buses will be provided to and from Macau Peninsula and Taipa to Hac-Sa Beach on November 9 and 10.
A small number of metered parking spaces are reserved for staff use and a small number of temporary motorcycle parking spaces are available on site, while the rest of the parking spaces are open to the public; except for authorized vehicles, all other vehicles are prohibited from entering the beach area of Hac Sa Beach.
Due to the large number of spectators travelling to and from Hac Sa Beach, the public is urged to take public transport as much as possible