Activity: Memories & Impressions – Call for Items of Interest Celebrating 10th Anniversary of Macao Handover
Date: 31/03/2008-28/02/2009
Venue: Macao Museum of Art and Handover Gifts Museum of Macao
Tel: 8791 9814 / 8791 9892
Description: In order to renew Macao citizens’ sense of local history and cultural heritage, donations are invited for the 10th anniversary of Macao’s return to the Motherland, with a view to assembling collective memories and impressions. This activity seeks donations of items of interest in witness of the Handover in order to build a collection for the preservation of local cultural assets so that later generations may share the memory of Macao’s past.

Usage of Collected Items:
To be permanently housed in the museum of the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau for exhibition, historical study and publication purposes.

Scope of Collection:
1.) Graphic materials – including videos and photographs, etc.
2.) Printed materials – including newspapers, magazines, brochures, postcards, postal items, books and albums, etc.
3.) Objects – including souvenirs and manuscripts, etc.

*General rules and form of the activity can be download from this page.
Information & application form: download(*.PDF)