



Message from the Chairman

Every two years, the Macao Design Biennial sows fresh seeds for Macao’s art community by giving many new design talents a chance to develop themselves by participating in the competition. Through the event, they gain experience, broaden their horizons, and become inspired by the comments of the professional judges.

Guidance and mentorship are essential for the younger generation. These are the roles of the Macao Design Biennial. It attracts designers of international standing from various places, who unstintingly share their best creations with other members of the arts community. Their common desire is to further develop the field of design in Macao; as the interplay of different creative concepts frequently sparks new ideas.

Design knows no boundaries, and its power is therefore far-reaching. Designers can enliven and empower both physical objects and cultural features in a way that touches the hearts of people.

This is the sixth Macao Design Biennial. The quality and quantity of its entries have risen continuously over the years, and it has proven to be the most representative and powerful design exhibition held in Macao. This year, and in the future, the Civic and Municipal Bureau will give the Macao Design Biennial its full support, in order to encourage the participation of more designers from different fields, and allow Macao’s art and culture to develop in a vibrant and diversified way.

Illustrated with photographs of the exhibits, the Macao Design Biennial Collection for each event fully demonstrates the design field’s development in Macao, and it deserves to become a collector’s item.

Lau Si Io
Chairman of the Administration Council of the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of the MSAR
December 2005