Dóci Papiaçám di Macau Drama Group


11, 12/5│Friday, Saturday│8pm     Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium     Tickets: MOP 150, 120, 80

Playwright and Director: Miguel de Senna Fernandes

Macao’s Patuá-language drama group, Dóci Papiaçám, presents a new and entertaining series of sketches, this year inspired by the local folk belief in spirits or souls from another world. As always, the company will tickle audiences with a satire of contemporary Macao, alluding with humour and poignancy to current events that have captured the population’s attention. The show will also include the riotous comic video shorts, specially produced for the occasion, that have become an anticipated extra treat over the last eight years.

With surtitles in Chinese, Portuguese and English

Duration: approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes, including one interval