Wu Hung
Membro permanente da Academia de Artes e Ciências dos Estados Unidos, Wu Hung é um conceituado historiador de arte, crítico, e curador. Actualmente detém a cátedra Harrie A. Vanderstappen no Departamento de História de Arte e no Departamento de Línguas e Civilizações do Extremo Oriente da Universidade de Chicago. É ainda director do Centro de Arte do Extremo Oriente e Curador Consultor do Smart Museum da mesma universidade. Os trabalhos de Wu Hung abrangem a arte tradicional e contemporânea. Relativamente à arte tradicional chinesa publicou: The Wu Liang Shrine: The Ideology of Early Chinese Pictorial Art (1989), Monumentality in Early Chinese Art and Architecture (1995), The Double Screen: Medium and Representation in Chinese Painting (1996), Art in its ritual context, 2 vols. (2005), Ten discourses on art history (2008), Art in time and space (2009), The Art of the Yellow Springs: Understanding Chinese Tombs (2010), e A Story of Ruins: Presence and Absence in Chinese Art and Visual Culture (2012). Entre as suas publicações dedicadas à arte moderna e contemporânea destacam-se: Transience: Chinese Experimental Art at the End of the Twentieth Century (1999), Exhibiting Experimental Art in China (2000), Reinterpretation: A Decade of Experimental Art in China (1990-2000) (2002), Remaking Beijing: Tiananmen Square and the Creation of a Politic Space (2005), Art and Exhibition: Wu Hung on Contemporary Chinese Art (2005), Making History: Wu Hung on Contemporary Art (2008), Wu Hung on Contemporary Chinese Artists (2009), Contemporary Chinese Art: Primary Documents (2010), Contemporary Chinese Art: A History (2014), e Zooming In: Histories of Photography in China (2016).